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Independent Thinker

Beach Lover
Aug 21, 2012
Santa Rosa Beach
Vote yes, it's not the same thing wrapped up in a different package. You can actually get a Superintendent with the credentials and management experience to run a school system when they are appointed. If they do not perform, their employment can be terminated. Currently the only thing required to run for Superintendent is a high school education and residence in the county. And, unfortunately in the current system, the Superintendent can't be fired. If you've seen the salary list of employees in the District Office, and, check their credentials, you will see why incompetence is so prevalent, and they do not deserve the salaries they are receiving. Practically all of them are making over double what the average teacher salary is. Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself. I have lived in a lot of different places, this is the first place I have ever lived where the School Superintendent is elected.

Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
I support for the hiring of the Superintendent. I won't complain about what someone makes, I will complain about poor performance.


Beach Lover
Jul 16, 2012
Misty, I don't know where you are getting your information about Charter schools but it is completely inaccurate. A charter school is a PUBLIC school and is held accountable for the same state and federal guidelines that all public schools are. (They take the fcat just like everyone else)The district does not give ANY money to a charter school. In fact, when a charter school operates in a district, the district receives 2-5 percent of the FTE that the charter school receives, just for administrative costs of reviewing the charter application. A charter school can only open in a district if the district approves the application, and generally districts do this when they do not have the space orteachers to accommodate more students. In other words, it is cheaper to NOT recieve the FTE for those students than to have to hire more teachers or build more schools. The charter schools in this county do not "cost" the district money as I have seen you post several times.

j p nettles

Jul 1, 2012
JohnG wrote:

Ms. Anderson had absolutely nothing to do with protecting the individual who drove 60 feet off the Clyde B.Wells bridge, into the bay, while under the influence.

That fiasco can be directly laid at the feet of the autonomous, self governing board known as the Radar Group that currently operates Walton Academy and several other Charter School in the State of Florida.

What can be laid at a Superintendents feet (whether hired or elected) and the school board as well, is the amount of money paid to Charter Schools in this county with no accountability. Charter Schools are pretty much exempt from laws that govern public schools because they are operated by private Corporations.

Bottom line is all that money that Ms. Anderson tossed at Charter Schools that got the school district in the shape it is in...is gone...and the taxpayers have no idea what it was used for and the schools who received it don't have to explain themselves.

If you want something or someone one to point fingers at you might want to look a little closer at the people who operate said Charter Schools including Bill Eddins and his co-workers and/or associates including Ray Sansom ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Sansom ) and Jay Odom.

Be careful who and what you vote for...it may be just more of the same wrapped up in different packaging.

The Rader Group contributed to Anderson's re-election campaign. I'm sure that helped with the renewal of the charter.


Dec 15, 2011
Misty, I don't know where you are getting your information about Charter schools but it is completely inaccurate. A charter school is a PUBLIC school and is held accountable for the same state and federal guidelines that all public schools are. (They take the fcat just like everyone else)The district does not give ANY money to a charter school. In fact, when a charter school operates in a district, the district receives 2-5 percent of the FTE that the charter school receives, just for administrative costs of reviewing the charter application. A charter school can only open in a district if the district approves the application, and generally districts do this when they do not have the space or teachers to accommodate more students. In other words, it is cheaper to NOT recieve the FTE for those students than to have to hire more teachers or build more schools. The charter schools in this county do not "cost" the district money as I have seen you post several times.


The contributing factors still appear that the district didn’t budget enough money for charter school growth or the number of substitute teachers it would have to bring in during the 2013-14 school year, she said.

With that quoted ....The person in question who drove off the Clyde B. Wells Bridge was absolutely not held accountable by the district because Walton Academy is contracted (i.e) (Chartered) with WCSD and have their own governing board.

Charter Schools are privately operated with public funding, independently run and many are operated by for-profit PRIVATE Companies...(I.E.) the Radar Group which Walton Academy utilizes. Charter Schools are public schools that operate under a performance contract (charter) which frees them from many of the regulations created for traditional public schools while holding them accountable for academic and financial results.

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
I'm voting YES.

Its much harder for the good ole' boys to buy three of the five school board members votes than the one elected Sup.

Why do you think they've started to support a couple of the school board candidates?

Its back up, should the referendum pass, which it just might...

Thinking ahead.


Beach Lover
Jul 16, 2012
I know nothing about "this person who drove off the bridge,,,". What I do know is you keep saying that charter schools are a huge drain financially on this district which is just not true. As for mrs Hobbs quote, you have an unqualified person with a high school diploma who finds herself in the position of defending a huge shortfall at the end of the school who throws out 2 completely insane reasons. 1) substitute pay overages- subs are paid every month not at the end of the year so that makes no sense, and 2) charter schools- everyone knows fte counts are done in OCTOBEr of each school year so the district knew in October how many students were enrolled in charter schools so that makes no sense either. She is counting on people like you who believe that charter schools "cost the district money" to grasp onto that idea. Again, charter schools do not cost the district a dime. The district NEEDS them to serve populations they can't. I spent 14 years as a Miami-Dade county school district employee whose job was to review charter school applications and serve as a liason between the school district and the charter school, which included seeking out charter schools to serve our population when needed. They are not started by big corporations, they are started by parents and community members who see the need and want autonomy from the school board, which they DO have, but only after the school district accepts their charter which describes their plan for implementation. Look at Seaside charter school- the developers of seaside wanted a school to serve their community and parents and community members wrote a cnarter, the district approved it ( the district certainly could not have provided the infrastructure for a school for what started with 50 students) and the school thrives. It costs the district nothing and serves the community as intended. You seem to be so hung up on the guy on the bridge that its making you think charter schools are causing the districts problems. Look elsewhere and you might find the real problems!

Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
I know nothing about "this person who drove off the bridge,,,". What I do know is you keep saying that charter schools are a huge drain financially on this district which is just not true. As for mrs Hobbs quote, you have an unqualified person with a high school diploma who finds herself in the position of defending a huge shortfall at the end of the school who throws out 2 completely insane reasons. 1) substitute pay overages- subs are paid every month not at the end of the year so that makes no sense, and 2) charter schools- everyone knows fte counts are done in OCTOBEr of each school year so the district knew in October how many students were enrolled in charter schools so that makes no sense either. She is counting on people like you who believe that charter schools "cost the district money" to grasp onto that idea. Again, charter schools do not cost the district a dime. The district NEEDS them to serve populations they can't. I spent 14 years as a Miami-Dade county school district employee whose job was to review charter school applications and serve as a liason between the school district and the charter school, which included seeking out charter schools to serve our population when needed. They are not started by big corporations, they are started by parents and community members who see the need and want autonomy from the school board, which they DO have, but only after the school district accepts their charter which describes their plan for implementation. Look at Seaside charter school- the developers of seaside wanted a school to serve their community and parents and community members wrote a cnarter, the district approved it ( the district certainly could not have provided the infrastructure for a school for what started with 50 students) and the school thrives. It costs the district nothing and serves the community as intended. You seem to be so hung up on the guy on the bridge that its making you think charter schools are causing the districts problems. Look elsewhere and you might find the real problems!

Can you please produce or direct me to some reading materials to back that up? I am not disputing what you are saying but I would like to see it in writing. Also can it be Florida specific?

Matt J

May 9, 2007
Can you please produce or direct me to some reading materials to back that up? I am not disputing what you are saying but I would like to see it in writing. Also can it be Florida specific?

I don't think there's much argument with this person, they first stated that the county pays no money to charter schools which was quickly shown to be wrong.
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