Bob, you did give a specific answer that you would not hold commissioners accountable. Then made a leap from accountability to golden parachutes and some person answering the phone.
Your point I think is “The lack of Customary Use will negatively affect tourism which will affect employment opportunities.”
Give me some evidence - some facts that without customary use Walton local economy will be devastated.
Here’s my facts; it’s been reported that 60% for FL coast is private property. Every Florida coastal county but 2 do NOT have customary use, including the counties on both sides of Walton, Okaloosa and Bay. Even before April 17, 2017 declared customary use ordinance and after July 2018 Walton’s economy and property values have gone up. Ask bob bob, he posted July bed tax was up 4% over 2017. Bed tax has been up each year for many years including years before Walton commissioners declared custom on private property and now after.
That Walton’s economy will collapse sounds more like opinion and fear mongering for your and the commissioner’s customary use agenda, not facts. You don’t run a business or a county, well, on supposition and opinions. It's supply and demand - private owners earned what they have - the supply - and you just can't take property rights you want or create a story that owner's never owned it.
Even if true the commissioners would be responsible, not the property owners, for the house of cards (and local economy) the commissioners (and developers and REALTORS) built, based on more than a hundred MILLION of dollars of TDC tax payer money over 20 years telling tourist to come to Walton’s 26 miles of public beaches (except it’s about 75% private beaches). And don’t worry about being respectful or that trash you left behind since beachfront owners were gracious enough to share their property with you over the decades.
Why does it matter how long I or anyone else have lived here or if I’m a beachfront owner!? Does that give a person some special knowledge of the law or facts that's different in Walton? If you have read my previous posts you’d know. Since 2015 how any times has the Sheriff been called for trespass and removed ANYONE from private property? I’d guess the Sheriff has been called many times and no one’s been removed. I’ve been here long enough to know the elected Sheriff has made a political decision not to enforce the law that protects property owners right to private and peaceful enjoyment of their property. Even when owners have complied with the Sheriff’s onerous trespass standard operating procedure and or his made-up arbitrary “wet sand” property boundary. Even if you trespass and destroy court approved signs on private property you will not be charged with trespass.
You didn’t answer my previous question; have you read Blackstone’s Commentary of old English common law custom and it’s criteria? I’m sure our understanding of how ancient custom applies to Walton today 253 years later will differ but have you read it? It’s the foundation of all American customary use. Have you read the Constitution Bill of Rights 5th Amendment - rejecting much of that old English common law - and is the law of the land in the United States of America? It’s only tax payers money to litigate - would the commissioners or you spend your own money to litigate for public customary use on private property? Beachfront owners will. If private property rights prevail the least the commissioners should do is resign and hopefully voters will wake up and elect competent experience people to lead Walton County and spend their $171,400,000 wisely. It’s one thing to repair a road and another to litigate millions of tax payer dollars on Constitutional litigation that could have repaired that road and may result in nothing but ill will for a long time to come.