You can have an opposing view but, if you haven’t lived in this community and been committed to this community for quite awhile, your view lacks validity. I will use primitive methods espoused by our president. All caps: CARPETBAGGERS.
I’ve been visiting the area frequently since around 1986, but I don’t live there, nor do I own property there, but my wife and kids and other family members and I feel like we are a part of the community when we are there because generally speaking, the locals and longtime visitors are kind and hospitable people, and MOST like to maintain the local feel of the area and protect the unique geographical and ecological qualities of the area, and that’s why I follow the political discussions that I read on this forum - I hope that those unique qualities are preserved.
I can understand people having disagreements about customary use, but to say opposing views such as those of Shannon lack validity due to his or her tenure in the area is disappointing. Haven’t the pro-customary use proponents also been encouraging affidavits and support from out of state visitors who don’t own property in the area?
I will say that I agree with a lot of the development and ecological concerns that Shannon has expressed in this forum - not necessarily in direct relation to CU.