LVT, as a statistician, you’d come up a brick short of a hod based on that analysis. And unless the Lince’s purchased their home during the one year when CU was unilaterally and improperly imposed by the 4 Blind Mice, they did not purchase it as you aver. And if they did, I can only hope they can recover damages from any realtor who failed to disclose.
Getting help from the BCC, TDC or WCSO? Did you by chance write for Abbot and Costello in a previous life? Why not ask a Great White to toss you a life ring as you paddle like crazy for shore?
And as for you, Dave and others standing up for what is right, the laws and Constitutions of state and nation are what is right, your conviction to the contrary about your presumptive moral superiority. Like it or not, the law trumps your or my morality.
If I’d ever need convincing that citizens need protection from government, not to mention mob rule, this CU crusade would have erased any doubt. I don’t own beach property, but I do believe that government takings from private citizens should be extremely limited as to public purpose. I further believe that our private property rights have been and remain generally under attack by moneyed interests nationwide, especially since Kelo. I can only hope that Kelo is overturned sooner than later.
Until that time, as devoutly as I hold my beliefs, and you may be sure they are as devoutly held as yours, I will abide by the law, however much I may disagree with it. Anarchy is not a desirable state. I would hope that the thuggery and trespass would vanish and peace and harmony return and prevail. I’m going to continue breathing in and out in the meantime.