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Beach Lover
Oct 27, 2007
Is there a permit required to beg at 30a intersections? I understand the annual firefighters' boot fundraiser, I have a healthy line 18 on my 1040, and I'm generous with my time and talents, but I take offense to getting hit up half a dozen times in one trip if I head from Seagrove to the Grayton cash and carry to pay for someone else's kid to go on a softball trip, etc.

I get that certain groups need to raise money for good causes, but begging at intersections is the lowest form of fundraising. It's worse this year than previous years.

Vitamin D

Beach Comber
Jan 28, 2011
I was held up yesterday at TWO intersections, by the same group. The driver in front not only handed over some cash, but proceeded to have a very lengthly conversation with the "panhandler". I was late for work because of it.

There is enough congestion on 30A without adding this to it !

Matt J

May 9, 2007
Call the Sheriff's office. 267-2000

I did this to a group from Pensacola recently and 45 minutes later their butts were gone. I have no problem supporting local charities and do to the detriment of my bank account and free time, but if your child chose to get on a paid softball team, cheer leading squad, etc. then get out of our intersections and get a job. To me it's the absolute height of teaching your kids the wrong thing.

One year they did it at Grayton and were from Pensacola. One woman actually stated they came over here because they heard there were people with money. They weren't even staying here. Although if your parents can rent a house in Grayton over a major holiday weekend then you probably shouldn't be panhandling.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
I agree with SWGB..the absolute worst thing a parent can do! I would not dare sign my kids up for an activity that I couldnt afford to pay for. Panhandling is not the same as "fundraising" and they should be told to make the kids "get a job" instead of "begging on the street corner".

p.s.. I wonder how their neighbors would think about it if word and pics got out of them "begging"? And how do we know if their kid is even doing whatever they say they want the money for? The people that give them $$ could just be off- setting the cost of the vacation the parents cant afford.
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Beach Fanatic
Oct 11, 2005
I expect the Sheriff's office might have some issues with the traffic jams. You'd hope, anyway. The last one I got caught in created a colossal jamup at 395-30A.


Beach Lover
Jul 18, 2007
It's happening almost every Saturday morning

The firefighter's boot fundraiser never bothered me, but now every week there is an organization out there.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
The real problem with them standing in the road is safety, not only for them, but for the drivers. The four-way stop doesn't work so well when people are held up because they are chatting or digging out money to donate. Someone is going to be seriously hurt.

They wouldn't be there if people didn't donate, so one way to get them to leave is not to donate.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Unless they are uniformed firefighters, I am calling the Sheriff.

If everyone does so, the problem will quickly be solved.


Beach Lover
Oct 27, 2007
Unless they are uniformed firefighters, I am calling the Sheriff.

If everyone does so, the problem will quickly be solved.

That's why I posted in the first place. Well, that and to verify that I wasn't the only one receiving smug, self-righteous looks from the groups begging on the road.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
The real problem with them standing in the road is safety, not only for them, but for the drivers. The four-way stop doesn't work so well when people are held up because they are chatting or digging out money to donate. Someone is going to be seriously hurt.

They wouldn't be there if people didn't donate, so one way to get them to leave is not to donate.

The truly scary part is these people stand on the center line and wear an orange vest as though that will keep them safe against a 2,000 pound vehicle, it's nerve wracking as all hail.
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