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Beach Fanatic
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Lake
OK - so we have the start of the Memorial Day weekend and the summer/tourist season and at the busiest intersection on 30A, we have another group seeking donations! Who from our county is the rocket scientist that approved this???
OK - so we have the start of the Memorial Day weekend and the summer/tourist season and at the busiest intersection on 30A, we have another group seeking donations! Who from our county is the rocket scientist that approved this???

If its not the firefighters, call the police and they will remove them...

Beach Bimmer

Beach Fanatic
May 2, 2006
South Walton
Today a well-known charity had their buckets out at two of the 30-A intersections we crossed. They quite clearly had volunteers standing in the middle of the road, not on the side.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that Walton County permit say they must stand on the side of the road (right-of-way), not in it, unless a donation is being offered from a vehicle?

BTW, we had no issue with the particular charity - it's just the idea of folks distracting drivers by standing in the middle of the road on 30-A at busy intersections. Playing in traffic is never a good idea, especially when we have vacationers in town who may already be distracted by the scenic beauty of 30-A...
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Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
I went through there and in my opinion, they were not impedeing traffic, and they were in the middle of the road. Those folks who do impede traffic, bicycles on 30A and folks who hesitate to make a move at a designated crosswalk


Beach Fanatic
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Lake
Bicycles are a whole other issue that needs to be addressed by our elected officials but these kind volunteers from HFH (Which I have worked with) are having a fundraiser at the wrong time. Regardless of their position, just by nature they were slowing traffic down on a major tourist weekend. Certainly I can't be the only person cranky about this?


Beach Fanatic
Aug 5, 2005
I'm going to side with Justhavinfun. I not only oppose of groups standing in the middle of 30A distracting locals who know where they're going but tourists who are rubbing necking up and down 30A. This is especially a busy weekend and not only do I think it could be dangerous but what kind of presence does this set for visitors. I'm sure most of them gave at the office on Friday.
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Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
I think it is a really bad idea anytime for any group. I will not donate in traffic...there are much better ways to get contributions for worthy causes...ways that do not entail endangering anyone...to do it during a summer holiday on 30A is beyond inappropriate IMO.
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