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Beach Lover
Apr 27, 2009
In general, kids, I think we have seen an over-reaction, similar in nature to the oil spill scare. I have absolutely no facts to on, but from general observations, I think, just maybe, Seaside was trying out this valet parking scheme for events only​. There was a concert the other night, and that's when they tried it. Everything is back to normal now. Put down the pitchforks.

This is about as factual as it gets. "One of the restaurant owners in Seaside reported that yesterday they were a) down 50 covers from the day before, b) did not have a single transaction at the bar at lunch time, and c) had 50% of their dinner reservations cancelled, or guests did not show up".

This is not an events only scheme, and I have personally seen the stream of emails from the Seaside merchants to Robert Davis outlining the impact that this has had on their business, if only for the single day.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
Yes, there were severe consequences for that one day. The day after, there didn't seem to be valet parking. Today, there doesn't seem to be valet parking. Maybe, it was like a summer thunderstorm. It reeks havoc, and then it's gone.


Beach Lover
Apr 22, 2005
I hope that that is the case. I'm perplexed why this was ever even considered, much less actually "tested". Who and why would anyone complain about people coming to your area to spend money? I don't get it. Has anyone ever tried to get a parking spot in Grayton Beach anywhere near the Red Bar on any given summer evening?

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
It's pretty unreasonable, really. Sure, it can be difficult to find a parking place when there is an event. But, this happens everywhere. Try finding a spot in Tallahassee during a football game. It's just a part of life. If you can't deal with "creative parking", then maybe you should go elsewhere. It's actually Darwinism, in a way. The clever will inherit the earth, or, at least, the good parking spots. It's kind of like complaining about the 3-way stop at the Viridian. It works. Maybe not great, sometimes. But, generally speaking, it's all good.


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
As far as we know it was a one day test for possible use for peak/holiday weeks and maybe events.

Lake View - creative parking is definitely a learned local skill. Never have had a problem finding a parking place anywhere on Scenic 30A. Not even at Red Bar! A few weeks ago the cop outside red bar helped us create our own space. Very nice dude.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 16, 2006
As far as we know it was a one day test for possible use for peak/holiday weeks and maybe events.

Lake View - creative parking is definitely a learned local skill. Never have had a problem finding a parking place anywhere on Scenic 30A. Not even at Red Bar! A few weeks ago the cop outside red bar helped us create our own space. Very nice dude.

But you are part of the system, they can't upset you. :D:D


Beach Fanatic
Sep 24, 2007
Seaside invites the public to their weekly summer concert series, provides inadequate parking in general, and pay-as-you-go valet parking that is inefficient, then give them a "ticket" for parking in the public parking areas within the residential section (not in someone's personal parking area)......would you be inclined to go back, or have a good memory of your time spent there? You can't seek the people's money without their presence, and they can't be present if you don't allow for "unconventional parking" during sporadic events.
In the summer when we want Pizza Bar, we call in for takeout, hubby drops me off, circles around, then when I get the pizza, I call him, and we rendezvous. It takes as much as 30 minutes to get a parking spot in the summer and spring break, so we don't even attempt eating in Seaside anymore during those time periods. When I drive down alone (well, with my big protective poodle), I don't order my takeout until I get to the restaurant because it takes me longer to get a parking spot than it does for the pizza to be prepared.

It's great that business is so good because the in-season in South Walton is so short, and we want the local businesses to be successful to make up for the empty days in the off-season. For us one of the main attractions to South Walton is the unique non-chain restaurants. We are fortunate in that we can be there as often as we want. So a little inconvenience during spring break, June, and July is worth the privilege of being there the other 9 months of the year.
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Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Ultimately, when the towns are all built out, I believe traffic/parking will be such a problem that we will ALL stay pretty close to home. Walking and biking to where we want to go. But I don't think we'll mind because there will be plenty of shops and restaurant choices close by. Sure, we'll miss Some of our favorite restaurants that are a few towns over, but we'll catch them in the off season. I think that's ok.

Currently, seaside has the most mature city center. Thus, the reason they are having the most traffic issues. It will balance out, I think, eventually. I'm not sure what problem the vallet really solves -- except keeping people away.

Ultimately I'd love the area to come up with a way to move people (without cars) up and down 30a. Open air trolley's paid for by merchants and the TDC would get my vote!
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