I believe that the doctrine of customary use of the beach and public beach access must prevail. This subject cannot be watered down and shoved under the rug any longer. It cannot be postponed as a tactic to stop customary use of the beaches from being a right by law. We shouldn’t have to be defending a right that already exists, but we are.
The opposition has already stated we should prepare for a battle. Every day wasted is a day the opposition of the rich and few beachfront owners has to prepare and win their war on shutting down all beach accesses and making them private, taking it from the local people, as well as visitors, that have used it for recreational purposes for years. It is the local people who have lived here and possibly sacrificed making higher wages in order to enjoy the serenity of this area. It is these same people who kept things going when it was not as popular of a place as now.
Now a few rich owners want to come in here and deny these many fine people the right of their customary use just so they can have their own private, isolated beach regardless of the joy they steal from so many. It will destroy the economy. It is a right of all the people of South Walton County to enjoy these beaches.
It is the local people who work here that take care of the needs of the new development and guests and new local residents. The economy is at stake here as well.
With some proper planning from TDC, the commissioners making the beach public through customary use and having plenty of public beach access, and making some responsible ordinances that will help support the respect for the beach and it’s preservation, will help to ensure that South Walton beaches will be a preferred destination for locals and visitors for many years to come.
- LIZ GOOD, Santa Rosa Beach