Well, correct me if I am wrong- but aren't art galleries in it to make money and to sell the art they show? I see this is what you do. You sell art. Am I wrong here? Would you fill your gallery with a bunch of pieces you thought were sub-par?
You have some nice work I might add...
Thank you for the compliment BlueFox181.
and yes some commercial galleries are in business for the bottom line only with proven artists. but I was making the point that the the poster could have been looking for validation and not just in monetary means by asking did anyone like his art. I for one see some strong points with his art and I also see his work is not mainstream-commercial type (thank goodness) and I also believe that his type of art gets crucified in a tradtional art class environment because it isnt following "the rules" , so to say he needs to go back and take classes was unkind -unfair- and incorrect ....IMO