Not everyone can afford that much money to see a show once a quarter, much less seven times in 10 days.
I think it's really important to remember that Seaside (in particular) and 30A (in general) have really small permanent populations. I'd bet 80% of the people in town on Memorial Day weekend are visitors.
And, most importantly, almost all the visitors are families. There simply aren't a lot of folks willing to spend $50 to $75 per kid to catch some tunes, no matter how great the artists or compelling the cause of the benefit.
Of the rest of us, some aren't interested in the particular artist, some don't want to deal with the festival, some can't afford it, some are out of town, etc. And the remaining 37 people bought tickets.
The reason I keep saying the festival should be free and open is that it probably isn't going to work any other way, as just explained. Make it easy for a lot of folks to come, let the merchants have a good weekend without the disruptive tents and lost parking, and find another way to pay for it, as SJ has covered so well in his posts.
And, just maybe, it shouldn't be on Memorial Day or the 4th or the wine event, so as not to disrupt the Seaside merchants' biggest weekends. Give it its own weekend, let it become its own event.
Awright, I'm done. :leaving: