Sadly, as is often the case with those not involved, most do not have any idea what beachfront property owners faced in 2005 and the steps some took to make sure they followed the rules as laid down by the various governmental agencies. We, as well as Adagio, White Cliffs and Bella Vita have been requesting some form of settlement of this problem since early 2006. We finally have something. Thanks a lot for the consideration you give those of us who welcome all to our beaches and feel they should be public not private. It is really appreciated, not to mention the amount they are pushing for per linear sq. ft. to compensate for the "take" of habitat on beachfront property. Maybe I should reconsider my long standing support of public beaches and petition my HOA board of directors to put up a fence!I was so hoping that somehow this would get vetoed...not even sure it could have been given the way Representative Coley slipped it into the Approp. bill-- talk about legislating for your cronies...this is as bad for Walton County as some of the oil drilling legislation has been IMO, not only for the specifics addressed in this bill; but, more importantly, for the precedent it sets...