Been here before. Would not hold my breath about it being ok. There are many, many similar cases where the management just dosen't get it and needs to be 're-educated'.
You can do a preemptive strike, or you can mourn over the ashes of your favorite watering hole after the management has their way.
Best idea is to move the establishment out of the danger zone (hopefully out of the subdivision completely because soon there won't be anything left of merit - all upscale potties you might go to once or twice for a function but certainly not daily).
Realize that the management, who probably fly in once a month or even less, detest 'casual' and don't like 'those kind of people', especially "bars", which "bring down the tone of the neighborhood".
Start a new drink called the 'Preemptive Strike" dedicated to moving the bar.
Look for suitable locations and tell everbody about them.
Especially tell the bar owners themselves that you would follow them anywhere, and to their faces - they're probably worried that if they move then no one will come, and the expense of moving may be the nail in the coffin if the attendance cannot recoup it quickly.
Makes me shed a tear for those that we have already lost to the horror of gentrification.