... so, in other words, the baby boomers aren't all going to flood into Florida and buy up all these beach homes and condos???
Interesting word choice.
... so, in other words, the baby boomers aren't all going to flood into Florida and buy up all these beach homes and condos???
Let us face a harsh reality. We, myself included, are reaping what we have sown. The entire real estate industry and consumers alike got drunk on a witch's brew of easy money, corrupt lenders and appraisers, lax regulatory oversight, ratings agencies with conflict of interests, brokers with only commissions in mind, and the bigger fool theory. It was the perfect storm!
It was in fact the Bermuda triangle for ethics and honest dealings. Good people with good intentions entered but soon lost their way. Their moral compass became disoriented and they allowed the intoxication of money to override good judgment.
Ultimately, their money went to money heaven. Millions of people have been hurt, many destroyed. It will take many years to heal but the toothpaste will never be put back in the tube. The lucky people are those that are able to blame others, justly or unjustly, for their misfortune. For it is those that realize their prostitution of their values has self inflicted monetary and self esteem consequences, that will bear the ongoing burden----and rightly so.
Once this shortie situation is cleared up things will get better quickly. Obama's possible bad bank is probably playing a big role in the timeliness of banking decisions. Why write down a loan if by waiting the gov will take it off my hands as a toxic debt?
Unfortunately, it's gonna take a lot more than clearing up the shorty situation to make things better. It goes way, way beyond bad mortgage loans at this point in time.
If migration rates to the 30A Corridor increase over the next 4 years there could be a balance in inventory. The 30A corridor is very small in relation to other major Florida markets. That's the micro side of it as I see it. Do you think there is a macro condition that is going to counter this?
If migration rates to the 30A Corridor increase over the next 4 years there could be a balance in inventory. The 30A corridor is very small in relation to other major Florida markets. That's the micro side of it as I see it. Do you think there is a macro condition that is going to counter this?
Yes. Look at the headlines. Look at GDP. Look at job losses. Look at bankruptcy filings. Look at corporate profits. And on and on and on. The micro 30A corridor is not immune from the larger problems in this world.
What makes you think migration rates to the 30A corridor will increase? Where are the jobs that would create such an influx?
The only thing that made this and other real estate hot in this country was rampant speculation. The only thing that can turn this market around is a major influx by wealthy folks back into the second home market place to stay (not to flip), and that isn't going to happen anytime in the foreseeable future.