I find ironic that in the "how great I am" letter there was no mention of the things that initiated the dislike and distrust of the TDC. I believe it began with the signage issue and snowballed from there. When residents stood up in protest over that, Moliterno should have shown more respect and sensitivity toward the citizens of this county, and sought input on plans and decisions that have an impact on residents lives and their respective communities. There an old saying that anyone who has ever worked for any government entity knows, "one oh sh#t takes away a hundred atta-boys. In her case there was a multitude of oh sh#ts. I do believe the BCC shares a lot of the blame. They should have put the brakes on the TDC long ago. Thank goodness three of those commisioners have been replaced. The current BCC should take a serious look at the direction the TDC should be taking in the future. It's time to re-focus the TDC mission and the way money is spent. Reduce the focus on attracting more tourist than our infrustructure can support. We've reached a tipping point on loosing the very thing that has attracted visitors here in the beginning. Over contruction and to many people at one time equals a bad experience for everone, especially those of us who actually live in South Walton. An arrogant self righteous TDC director will no longer be tolerated, the BCC needs to be aware of this or the complaints and distrust will continue.
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