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Independent Thinker

Beach Lover
Aug 21, 2012
Santa Rosa Beach
I find ironic that in the "how great I am" letter there was no mention of the things that initiated the dislike and distrust of the TDC. I believe it began with the signage issue and snowballed from there. When residents stood up in protest over that, Moliterno should have shown more respect and sensitivity toward the citizens of this county, and sought input on plans and decisions that have an impact on residents lives and their respective communities. There an old saying that anyone who has ever worked for any government entity knows, "one oh sh#t takes away a hundred atta-boys. In her case there was a multitude of oh sh#ts. I do believe the BCC shares a lot of the blame. They should have put the brakes on the TDC long ago. Thank goodness three of those commisioners have been replaced. The current BCC should take a serious look at the direction the TDC should be taking in the future. It's time to re-focus the TDC mission and the way money is spent. Reduce the focus on attracting more tourist than our infrustructure can support. We've reached a tipping point on loosing the very thing that has attracted visitors here in the beginning. Over contruction and to many people at one time equals a bad experience for everone, especially those of us who actually live in South Walton. An arrogant self righteous TDC director will no longer be tolerated, the BCC needs to be aware of this or the complaints and distrust will continue.
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Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
I have some advice for Ms. Moliterno and hope it is accepted in the spirit it is offered.

It is clear based upon your resignation letter and press interviews that you feel wronged. Sadly, based upon a similar experience, I will tell you that that feeling will never go away. At times you will want to vindicate yourself with your detractors...that wil never happen. At other times you will want to get even with them...that will serve no real purpose.

Do everything you can to expedite your exit from the TDC. The next 90 days will not be good for anyone involved. It will be full of recrimination and negativity. It will not serve you, your staff or the county well. Leave quickly and quietly.

As for your future, the best revenge is actually your own success. Get started today. Best of luck in your future pursuits.
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Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
I find ironic that in the "how great I am" letter there was no mention of the things that initiated the dislike and distrust of the TDC. I believe it began with the signage issue and snowballed from there. When residents stood up in protest over that, Moliterno should have shown more respect and sensitivity toward the citizens of this county, and sought input on plans and decisions that have an impact on residents lives and their respective communities. There an old saying that anyone who has ever worked for any government entity knows, "one oh sh#t takes away a hundred atta-boys. In her case there was a multitude of oh sh#ts. I do believe the BCC shares a lot of the blame. They should have put the brakes on the TDC long ago. Thank goodness three of those commisioners have been replaced. The current BCC should take a serious look at the direction the TDC should be taking in the future. It's time to re-focus the TDC mission and the way money is spent. Reduce the focus on attracting more tourist than our infrustructure can support. We've reached a tipping point on loosing the very thing that has attracted visitors here in the beginning. Over contruction and to many people at one time equals a bad experience for everone, especially those of us who actually live in South Walton. An arrogant self righteous TDC director will no longer be tolerated, the BCC needs to be aware of this or the complaints and distrust will continue.

It's amazing that folks think that a operation such as the County or TDC can be as attentive to the needs and wants of the citizenry. I get it the TDC had some big FUBAR moments, I get that. The bottom line is that folks felt as though she was involved with folks she shouldn't have been and was involved in the seedier side of Walton politics. That said, from appearances bed tax collections have increased which would indicate that more people are visiting. It seems that events are being funded even if folks do not like them or there is not enough funding. It appears beach accesses are being planned for and they still have money in the bank. Maybe we don't like the idea of out of state marketing companies and the price that is paid but hopefully we continue to have an operation that continues to do whatever they need to to attract tourist. For those that think the TDC is a screwed up operation because they made some poor choices ie. signs, proposed building, a song no one seems to like. May I suggest you submit your application for the position and find out how many different people are more than willing to tell you how you should do your job with the added pressure of being criticized for every thought and relationship you have. I don't have issue with justified criticism but some of it seems to have gone overboard. People make mistakes, companies make mistakes, governments make mistakes the best we can do is try to limit them. Just my opinion.
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jack S

Beach Lover
Jun 12, 2007
I just want to know if we can get our beach umbrella logo back!


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Actually, I really like "the song" but its another PR disaster for many reasons. Too bad. TDCs and towns are on their own "song" bandwagon, which is kind of questionable to start with. But all the kids are doing it..

I am sorry to watch this Dawn bandwagon gain speed and nastiness. I hope it will soon come to an end so that real, productive conversations can resume. I've seen more nastiness on this issue on every platform out there. Bizarre the way people can type insults without holding back in the least - and using their own names and/or hiding behind aliases - makes no difference.
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j p nettles

Jul 1, 2012
Somebody refresh my memory. How much did it cost to change the logo and signs? How much did that stupid song cost? How much did the Emeril deal cost? And tell me why we need a TDC in the first place. Most of the out of state vacationers I know don't know or give a rat's rear end what county they're in.
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