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Beach Fanatic
Dec 11, 2007
Seagrove Beach
BR, unfortunately, that is exactly the case for many of our guests... I worked in hospitality on 30A for 10+ years (much longer, and still currently if you count the restaurant, but I'm talking about actually being in a position to check new arrivals in). It used to frustrate me terribly because I would explain it to them, and even tell them, "I've been here my whole life and know these waters, but they can change on you faster than you know what's happening..." Many of them don't want to hear it. They will tell you point blank, "I just paid you $XXXXX.XX, and I'll go in the water if I damn well please..."

I'm not saying that was the case with this young man, or the little girl, but it definitely does happen. I think the suggestions above that aim towards children are terrific ideas. Children don't have the arrogance that adults often do, and love to learn new things. They will also nag adults to high heaven if they try to do something that the kids have learned is "wrong". [My boyfriend's son is a marvelous example: "Daddy, smoking is bad for you. It'll kill you. I don't want you to get sick or die..." (Josh IS now a non-smoker.)]

The Safety Crab campaign was a good one, it just hasn't gotten enough play. I think more (and bigger) fridge magnets, signs in kid's bedrooms, and more signage out in public areas (i.e., the billboard JDarg mentioned--she's right, nobody's gonna see that and TEXT for info.) Just some thoughts.

Sending much love and gratitude to all those who risk their own lives to try to save the lives of others. We are blessed to have some really wonderful emergency personnel here in SoWal, and I pray that no matter what situations they find in the course of duty, the end of the day will always find them home safe, with their friends and family.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
Well said Kitlit! Double Red flags today, I pray for the safety of our visitors, residents and safety personnel. Please go to www.swfd.org for flag info and please copy to your facebook page and ask all of your friends to share the post. Help us get the word out. We love our visitors and we want them to come back!....all of them.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
Sunday, 6/10 Double Red Flag...PLEASE stay out of the water

Double Red flags mean the water is closed. Conditions are unsafe for swimming, wading or even getting your feet wet.

If you are thinking about getting in the water anyway, please consider the bystanders and lifeguards that may have to rescue you. They will put themselves in danger to save you. It is common for bystanders to drown saving a distressed swimmer.

We want our visitors to come back to SoWal. Please pass along the Double Red flad info anyway you can. It just may save a life!


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
Paula, I like your suggestion of a poster contest or anyway to educate the kids while they are here.

Some additional suggestions:

Rental agencies could urge beach safety and include TDC flag info in their confirmation packets when a guest confirms their reservation. Some agencies already do this.

Restaurants and shops could help get the word out by posting flag info in the establishments. Heck....post it on the menu!

Gas stations can stick flag info on the gas pumps.

Anyway, you get the picture. All suggestions are extremely helpful. Anything to save a life.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 30, 2007
I hope everyone visiting the area sees these warnings and stay out of water.It puts more than one person at risk of drowning when someone thinks there is no danger.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
I hear there are tons of people in the water. I hope that is not true. Walton County Sheriff's Department can hand out tickets that comes with a fine.

The Sheriff's Dept. does not want to hand out fines, they want our people safe and unharmed. Sometimes pure stupidity results in ticket. In light of the recent drownings, I hope there are cops on the beach today.

If people are in the water today, can you take a pic and post it on this thread?

Florida Fever

Beach Comber
Jun 7, 2012
June 2011 was my family's first visit to the Gulf and first in ocean like waters. I would not have known about the flag system if my dad, who has visited many beaches, had not told us.
On our trip back this year to Inlet Beach I watched the flags prior to our visit and signed up for the daily text message alerts from SWFD, these were great. Our kids asked every day, what is the flag today? i would agree for new beachers they def. need to be made aware of the system and how it works.
Luckily we had green flags the whole week we were there in late May. Praying for a safe day for families visiting now!


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
June 2011 was my family's first visit to the Gulf and first in ocean like waters. I would not have known about the flag system if my dad, who has visited many beaches, had not told us.
On our trip back this year to Inlet Beach I watched the flags prior to our visit and signed up for the daily text message alerts from SWFD, these were great. Our kids asked every day, what is the flag today? i would agree for new beachers they def. need to be made aware of the system and how it works.
Luckily we had green flags the whole week we were there in late May. Praying for a safe day for families visiting now!

Thank you, your info is valuable. It helps to know how visitors learn about the flag system. It seems to be word of mouth.

Visitors, please post how you learned about the flag system. And, how can it be improved?

Please go to the "Sowal Visitors, how did you learn about the beach flag system" thread in the All About Sowal forum, our community would love to hear from you.
Last edited:


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
On another thread, a response from a visitor, Florida Fever, prompted me to start this thread. Visitor imput is valuable in helping our community get the word out about the beach flag system and help us improve the message.

How did you learn about the beach flags?

How would you like to see it improved?

Did you know you can go to www.swfd.org to get beach condition updates?


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
Disclaimer: This is a personal thread and not affiliated with SWFD, however I will share this info with safety entities as needed.
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