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SoWal Insider
Mar 31, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
Disclaimer: This is a personal thread and not affiliated with SWFD, however I will share this info with safety entities as needed.

SGG, I haven't posted on SoWal in months but i'm going to reply here because this is something I am passionate about.
I try to go to the beach on red flag days to talk to visitors about the flags. The girls and I went on Friday (the day after Allie drowned) to Miramar beach across from Seascape. I parked right under the flag. and we walked East for about 150 yards. I probably spoke to a minimum of 40-50 people/groups/families. Out of those, I think one or two was familiar with the flag system. I always make sure i tell people that we have drownings every year here due to people going in the water on red flag days. On Friday when i told every person i spoke to that we had 2 drownings in the space of a week, they were shocked. So not only did they not know about the flags (where they are, what they mean, etc) they had no idea that people actually drown. I think most have no idea what our beach is usually like...they probably think it's always wavy and pounding and that we play in it like that all the time. I know one thing, there are those that take me very seriously and call their children in, and there are those that thank me and go right back in the water. It's hard for me to come to terms with the fact that some just aren't going to listen, but there are those that do listen, and hopefully I've helped keep them out of danger for another day. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-Our-Swimmers/145909465474701

One more thing...I think our TDC with their bloated budget of bed tax they collect from these visitors should be more proactive in getting the information into the hands of people ON THE BEACH. I think local students could do so much by volunteering to walk the beaches and talk to people. It's not rocket-science. Thanks for letting me vent. :wave:


Beach Lover
Apr 10, 2012
Do your research

On another thread, a response from a visitor, Florida Fever, prompted me to start this thread. Visitor imput is valuable in helping our community get the word out about the beach flag system and help us improve the message.

How did you learn about the beach flags?

How would you like to see it improved?

Did you know you can go to www.swfd.org to get beach condition updates?
We are from Missouri... no oceans nearby, so before we started vacationing near the water we researched the rules for beaches and what the flags mean. There really is no excuse for ignorance about the red flag's meaning. We are looking forward to our visit in July to 30A!


Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
It is impossible for anyone who uses my neighborhood beach access to get to or leave the beach without seeing large signs clearly showing the flag system. My family and friends (including some who have never been here) all know about the flag system. Their only question is what exactly the purple flag is warning about. They know what the purple flag means, just not if it is being flown for jellies, a bull shark, etc.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 16, 2008
You could stop every car driving in to Walton and give them a beach flag flyer and I doubt it would save anyone. I would love to be wrong. If I am and you feel that education can save lives then we should welcome the county's efforts to educate, including building a visitor center.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 2, 2006
I hear there are tons of people in the water. I hope that is not true. Walton County Sheriff's Department can hand out tickets that comes with a fine.

The Sheriff's Dept. does not want to hand out fines, they want our people safe and unharmed. Sometimes pure stupidity results in ticket. In light of the recent drownings, I hope there are cops on the beach today.

If people are in the water today, can you take a pic and post it on this thread?

Hundreds of people in the water earlier and still swimming now. Thankfully it rained and kept folks off the beach! Watching kids right now boogie boarding in waves coming in 45 degrees to the shore.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
Sunspotbaby....THANK YOU for your reply!!! I will not go to the beach during red flag and especially red flag x 2 because I know I would want to help anyone in the water that is in distress. No matter what has been done so far,you can't keep some people out of the water.

Education can save lives, let's be the 1st community to be more proactive than others, we are SOWAL...we can do this!!! Please community, your help is needed and embraced.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 30, 2007
I can't imagine not seeing the flag meanings , every book you get at checkin has it,rentals usually have it posted on the fridge.Some people think they are smarter than the next guy and nothing tragic will happen ---it does happen. Sorry about the two this past week. How terrible for the deaf boys trying to get help for their friend.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
You could stop every car driving in to Walton and give them a beach flag flyer and I doubt it would save anyone. I would love to be wrong. If I am and you feel that education can save lives then we should welcome the county's efforts to educate, including building a visitor center.

This thread is not politically motivated. If education will not help, do you have any thoughts that would? This thread could save lives, that is the mission.
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