Just got here yesterday, today (at Eastern Shores) there were 5 tents on the beach. Just now a big white pickup with CODES ENFORCEMENT painted on it drove by and never spoke to any of them. What is he enforcing??? If the tent thing is going to stop signs need to be posted at every beach access and in every condo. Why bother changing things if you aren't going to enforce it. People aren't aware of it because they don't know about it. The very least "The Enforcer" could have done is stop and tell the people and give them a one time warning. This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. I hope you people pay the Code Enforcement a lot of money to drive around and talk on their phones or whatever they do to pass their time. They sure don't do Code Enforcement!
I, for one, am sick of the tents, They block our view of the ocean and for the most part there are maybe two people in them. They leave at lunchtime and come back to take the tents down at dinner time. Leaving the rest of us sitting behind them, with no view. Lets enforce this new law or do away with it.
There are other issues that visitors need to know about. We saw a man work very hard to catch a fish today, thought he may have caught a shark, but he caught a Manta Ray, He was stupid enough to cut the line but left the hook in the ray. Now the fish can't eat, is going to get a bacterial infection and die a horrible death. We need to educate people who come to the beach and are stupid about rules and livestock before we let them fish. Stupid people need to stay home!! If you want to come to the beach, do some research.