You know, I had no opinion on Daniel Uhlfelder until today when I first saw the video and until after tonight’s customary use meeting.
There’s no question he’s unnecessarily creating chaos with the the Sheriff’s department, beach front owners and beach goers that might get a false sense of security from his antics.
Yeah, he’s a lawyer. The Sheriff is not going to arrest him and put him on a pedestal for obvious reasons.
I just feel sorry for the next “country Joe” who thinks they can try and get away with same thing but then finds themselves in jail because they don’t have the same influence as Daniel Uhlfelder. In my book he’s just pushing his name. Sad, but many people can be convinced to drink the same Kool-Aid.
Thank you BMBV. I witnessed him speak tonight as well. One of his comments was that he was scared to death they would actually arrest him and put him in jail yet, he called the media, he posted the video of himself drawing lines in the sand and was arguing or being confrontational with the WCSO deputies on scene and did it 2 days running knowing what the possible consequences were before he ever went.
By his own admission (tonight) he knows how the game is played in Tallahassee because of his father's connections and he knows (but would not name) who lined who's pockets in Tallahassee to get the bill passed.
I respect his right to protest the issue but I'm not a fan of the way he chose to do it. By his own admission he called the media and invited them to watch his antics and I also know that when a newspaper reporter wrote the first article about his antics and how he went about it, Uhlfelder was on the phone almost immediately after it hit social media because he did not like that the reporter accurately called him out on his BS.
Ultimately, this will be decided in the courts at taxpayer expense. I know you and I don't agree about the customary use issue for obvious reasons but at the end of the day I still agree to disagree with you on the issue and there are so many other issues we do actually agree on. There is no happy medium here and right now allota people are hyped up and super passionate/heated/mad/angry (what ever) about customary use.
I started to speak tonight but because it was a last minute, spur of the moment decision to go to Sowal, I didn't. Many of my own thoughts were mirror images of those who did speak and anything I may have added seemed redundant.
I didn't come away knowing anymore than I did before I went except that there were/are some consummate politicians who spoke tonight, including 2 at the table on stage who are pandering to public opinion to get themselves re-elected. Larry Jones would also like to keep his job. We are in this mess because of what the County has done and ultimately what Drake didn't do in Tallahassee.
The voters need to remember that.