I don't know about y'all, but we are getting totally pumped up for the Prom in my household. If you haven't been to the Panama City Goodwill on 23rd Street, go there and find a dress. Mine was $7.99 and I picked up one for 5thSista for $9.99. I had already ordered a beautiful mint green tux (with white pants) for Mr. Grayton Girl, but that Goodwill has a fabulous all-white double breasted tux jacket and pants for $9.99 total. Jacket is 41R, I think and pants look to be around a 33 or 34. There is also a big Goodwill on Thomas Drive (sort of across from the entrance to Bay Point), and a Salvation Army on 15th Street.
I ordered some long, white above-the-elbow gloves online from an ebay store.
My avatar is my actual Senior Prom photo (1977) and the photo is fuzzy because all I could find was the small 2x3 picture. Even so, you gotta love it, espcecially the fake stone background (and is that a shiny blue faux waterfall behind us??) Note that the dress comes all the way up to the neck. Ha! My date was dressed in the tux-color-of-the-year and his shoes are VERY white. Those were some good ole days.