The pre-printed tip percentage on the bottom of your credit card slip comes from the credit card companies. They get 3% of every charge.... including a servers tip. So when your are tipping 20 % the server is actually getting 17% (This is why I try to tip cash even when paying with my card) getting the server a larger tip gets the credit card companies a larger tip. It is their way of upping profits on every charge at every restaurant around the company. QUOTE]
Our servers are tipped out every night from the credit card receipts and they always get the full amount that is written in for their tip. It's the owners responsiblity to take on the percentage the card company charges.
Thanks Kat for clearing that incorrect statement up for those of us not in the know. After reading that first message I had to go ask some restuarant owners and managers and I got the same answer which is what ever the amount a customer puts on the bill as a tip the server gets.
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