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Apr 16, 2005
Buckeye Country
My daughter and I always are embarrassed at how bad of a tipper my husband is. He thinks 15% is for good service, and then he'll usually round down. He does this even with waiters who wait on us frequently. Believe it or not, they're actually friendly with us to the point that sometimes they'll sit down at the table and talk to us! My daughter and I are afraid they'll put a bugger in our food or something. But maybe that's why they're smiling.:lol:

I tend to overtip, perhaps to compensate for my sweet husband. What I really like is when we go to Houston's and on the check they show how much a 15%, 18%, and 20% tip would be. I don't know about you folks, but I can't do arithmetic after a few glasses of wine, and it's embarrassing for me to get out a calculator.:blush:

:yikes: Say it isn't so BR!!! I thought you mathy types could do it in your sleep.:lol:
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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Easy way to figure the tip ..................even after some vino!

Move the decimal point over 1 space to the left (ie $125.37 becomes $12.53)

Double that amount ($25.06) and you have a 20% tip.

If you want to make it even easier, round it the next highest dollar amount before doubling.


SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2004
The amount of people who are generous in their tipping does not make up for all the cheapskates. Most people have the awareness level of an ant concerning service workers' compensation. Automatic tip charges for large parties is acceptable, in my opinion, because they're the worst offenders in third world tip math. Blanket tip charges for everyone unfortunately rewards slow service.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
BR, don't feel bad about your husband's tipping problem. My sister, doesn't tip on the total amount of the bill because she states that the server shouldn't get tipped on the government's tax. :funn: Can you tell that she is in politics? God bless her.

Bob, you bring up large parties and automatic gratuity. One thing I've noticed is that sometimes when I am dining with a small group of people, is that the person holding the check, taking the money from everyone else, tends to calculate the tip + the check, then after collecting everyone's money, calculates their own amount to contribute. I hate that because often times, we will all be big tippers, except for that one person holding the check, and we will almost have the total amount, including tip collected, and that last person will chip in only a couple of bucks, so the server doesn't end up receiving the nice tip. :bang:
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