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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I always assumed the preprinted slip w/ tip space for counter service was because they used a standard format register or also had table service so it doesn't bother me - I just draw a line through it.

I do NOT like the automatic 15% gratuity. I think it (like communism) doesn't encourage good service. Often it hurts the server as most people would have tipped more, but now the bill already has it added on.

As for the receipts w/ preprinted amounts, I am constantly amazed at how many people can't do math - even the easy scooterbug method of move the decimal point over 1 and double the amount for a 20% tip! Then there are the people too drunk to figure it out.......


Beach Fanatic
Nov 30, 2005
Point Washington
I hate that the staff at the place that has automated the 15% gratuity were probably getting stiffed, but I have to say I think it has had an adverse effect on the service. It took us about 10 minutes to get someone to take our order. As we sat there and chatted with them a bit, the service improved greatly. We even left an additional gratuity on the line for that purpose -- yes, they automatically calculate the 15%, then provide a line for you to add more. Yes, I'd like to have my cake and eat it too, please. :D

Luckily, the concept of this place is so good that it makes it worth putting up with the tipping policy and the consequences...we'll just have to become regulars so we get consistently good service.


Beach Comber
May 9, 2006
The pre-printed tip percentage on the bottom of your credit card slip comes from the credit card companies. They get 3% of every charge.... including a servers tip. So when your are tipping 20 % the server is actually getting 17% (This is why I try to tip cash even when paying with my card) getting the server a larger tip gets the credit card companies a larger tip. It is their way of upping profits on every charge at every restaurant around the company.

As a business owner you can call them to have them reprogram your print out, but it takes time and is a pain in the buttinski.

As for counter tipping... it is the same receipt used at the tables, if I like the service I will throw them a couple of bucks, but a tip is not expected.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
With the exception of some notorious cheapskates, I have never heard that there is a general problem in this area with people not being tipped for good service. Could someone refute/reinforce this?

I get frustrated with people expecting tips for doing what I see as their job. I don't see a difference between McDonalds and Starbucks, but Starbucks has a tip jar. At both franchised places you order at a counter off a menu on the wall and eat it there or to go.

On a related topic - remember that if you get a discount, freebies, etc you should tip based on the amount it would have cost if you hadn't gotten the discount - not just the amount at the bottom of the slip. I think a lot of people forget that one.


Beach Lover
I always assumed the preprinted slip w/ tip space for counter service was because they used a standard format register or also had table service so it doesn't bother me - I just draw a line through it.

I do NOT like the automatic 15% gratuity. I think it (like communism) doesn't encourage good service. Often it hurts the server as most people would have tipped more, but now the bill already has it added on.

As for the receipts w/ preprinted amounts, I am constantly amazed at how many people can't do math - even the easy scooterbug method of move the decimal point over 1 and double the amount for a 20% tip! Then there are the people too drunk to figure it out.......

Main Entry: gra?tu?ity
Pronunciation: gr&-'t?-&-tE, -'ty?-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ities
: something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service; especially : TIP

I agree the automatic 15% gratuity doesn't encourage good service. It hurts the server because I will always leave more than 15% with decent service ... unless it's automatically added. If it's automatically added service must be exceptionally good for me to add more.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
If you think tips are not expected, you have never worked in the food service industry. Servers would not be working for minimum wage and less if tips were not expected. Even the IRS expects you to tip and the gov't has laws of lower wages for tipped jobs, again, expecting your gratuity. Find me a ten year old who would be willing to put up with all of the b.s. that a server has to put up with, for mininum wage. You cannot find one, much less an adult who has to pay for a home, car, kids, etc. At full service restaurants, a tip of 15% is an expected minimum, and if you tip less than 20%, servers will wonder why you are so cheap.
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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I'm not talking about waitstaff, bartenders etc. at full service restaurants. I know tips are factored into their wages and they most certainly earn them (and then some).

I was referring to people who think they automatically deserve a tip for substandard work (extra or exceptional effort should always be rewarded) or doing their basic job description and whose wages/salary do NOT factor in tips. Hence the McD's vs. Starbucks example.


Beach Fanatic
Also, do servers and bartenders still make far less than minimum wage? It has been a long time since I have been in the game, so I don't know the current hourly pay. Maybe if more people knew the hourly rate paid to restaurant staffers, they would tip better.

I'm also interested in knowing the answer to jdarg's question? I have just assumed that's still the way of things. Anyway...that's the story we continue to tell our dear sweet generous parents who delight in treating out at restaurants, yet continue to leave embarrassingly chintzy tips (i.e.$5 tips for $100 checks).
If I was the owner of the Chinese restaurant my parents have been going to for 50 years I would SERIOUSLY consider adding an automatic tip:blush:
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