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Patriot Games

Beach Lover
Aug 28, 2014
Can we stick to Tony's qualifications and conduct and stop discussing definitions. These questions are legit.

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
I don't facebook, I had my kid show me his site. But by all means, feel free to plagiarize and cut and paste. Add this question.

1. You are 60 years old and don't own a house. You can't seem to manage your own life, how will you manage anything else? You contributed less than 500 bucks to your own campaign. You are for SALE!

I hope the our generation people are reading this and run an radio commercial with these questions? It will make chapman look like a saint......This guy is a total fake and Mrs. Jones followed him around like a puppy dog at the candidate forum last night so I'm told. Can't make this stuff up.

Keep messaging me this stuff people and I'll check it out. If I think it's true, I'll post it. Don't be afraid, I think we will all be better served if the skeletons are pullled out of the closet so we can actually count the bodies for ourselves. You run for office, you should be an open book.

I won't post anything without giving credit; need your real name please.


Beach Lover
Jul 18, 2016
Can we stick to Tony's qualifications and conduct and stop discussing definitions. These questions are legit.
Yes your questions are legit and should be answered. In total agreement with you on that point, Sir ; however, I'll ask the questions of my choosing and you do the same. Thanks! Trust me your posts and questions won't get lost in the shuffle. Those of us who read will read the threads thoroughly thru the valid and the BS. Have a nice day. :)


Dec 15, 2011
So gossip has to be false to be gossip?

Ya know Dawn...you try a lot to play moderator on this board but "ain't no moderator tag" by your name.

It's not gossip if the person heard it with their own 2 ears, watched it with their own 2 eyes and repeated it with their own mouth.

It's time the sneaky backroom deals, dirty politics, and current shenanigans of BCC members came to the light. It should have happened 25 years ago but instead people talked about it behind closed doors because of fear or retaliation. Those days are over! People have had enough and the people of this county have a right to know what kind of shady a current or future candiates are who are not only running this county but also those who aspire to do so.

For a MARRIED seated Commissioner to be traipsing all over the County with a wannabe BCC member other than her husband, who is also running a very dirty campaign against a current Commissioner, as well as being seen with him at private affairs is about as disgusting as it gets in politics, even for this County and it's news!

I guess it should also be pointed out to you that you have the ability to block content that you don't want to read by ignoring that members posts.
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Beach Fanatic
Jul 19, 2008
  1. 1.
    casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.
    "he became the subject of much local gossip"
    synonyms: rumor(s), tittle-tattle, whispers, canards, tidbits;
  1. 1.
    engage in gossip.
    "they would start gossiping about her as soon as she left"
    synonyms: spread rumors, spread gossip, talk, whisper, tell tales, tittle-tattle, tattle;
    informaldish the dirt
    "she gossiped about Dean's wife"

Phil Good

Beach Lover
Jun 17, 2016
Blue Mountain
Ya know Dawn...you try a lot to play moderator on this board but "ain't no moderator tag" by your name.

It's not gossip if the person heard it with their own 2 ears, watched it with their own 2 eyes and repeated it with their own mouth.

It's time the sneaky backroom deals, dirty politics, and current shenanigans of BCC members came to the light. It should have happened 25 years ago but instead people talked about it behind closed doors because of fear or retaliation. Those days are over! People have had enough and the people of this county have a right to know what kind of shady a current or future are not only running this county but also those who aspire to do it.

For a MARRIED seated Commissioner to be traipsing all over the County with a wannabe BCC member other than her husband, who is also running a very dirty campaign against a current Commissioner, as well as being seen with him at private affairs is about as disgusting as it gets in politics, even for this County and it's news!

I guess it should also be pointed out to you that you have the ability to block content that you don't want to read by ignoring that members posts.

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
Here's something that isn't gossip. Compare the actual qualifications of the two Dist. 5 candidates and then tell me who is the best person to represent my, and other citizen's interests, on the BCC. Cindy Meadows wins hands down. FTR, my name is Anderson, no relation to Tony and I am certainly not going to vote for someone in the pocket of business men and developers instead those of the of ordinary citizens.
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