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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
I’m a magnet it seems, ugh. I’ve done quite a lot of research on the excellent Entomology pages of the Univ of FL. Interesting bits (not bites!) I learned...yellow flies are visual hunters. They hang out in the shade, under your porch or shrubbery, then when they see movement they swoop in for the kill! The females need the protein in your blood to procreate. This is why the black balls are effective as they see a big shape moving. They inject you with an anti-coagulant to speed their ability to suck up your blood and this causes your body to react with swelling & itching. The neutralizing chemical for the anti-coagulant is ammonia. Put on liberally, earlier is better...soak a paper towel & leave on for a few minutes. Reapply as needed. I figure we earn our ticket to Paradise when we make it through the season!!!

I bathe in vinegar and it totally works.
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