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SoWal Insider
Apr 7, 2006
New York/ Santa Rosa Beach
Biff said:
Oh My Goodness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Well, I have to say; this turned into quite an elaborate 1st post..!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yumm Yum Yellow weenki covered Puka dog and Pizza beer delivery; Gay karaoke night, Laundry mat, Gadiva wear and lingerie... All while the Grayton community SERVES YOU ... THE TOURISTS.......... at the newest place in town....

"BIFFS"................ Because, we CAN do it all...............................................................even with special
Delivery Drag (k)ueen..... ""MANGO"".....

Need a new thread for an advertising campaign...!!!

Noticed the spelling is a tad off - this thread got you drinking? :cool:


SoWal Insider
Apr 7, 2006
New York/ Santa Rosa Beach
Hey no fair editing before I finish my reply.

I did not see the Mango Queen part. :eek: :blink:
Mango is really my nickname my friends and family call me because I heart :love: Mangos so much and therefore it is not to be used in vain. ;-)

Use any other "fruit" you want, or call the place the "Dancing Speed Queen"


Beach Fanatic
Jun 17, 2005
Biff said:
Beach lover; is banana Joes still there???? (Is that the name)????? I think it is....

Pompano Joe's - Yes they also survived - unfortunately their parking lot did not - so traffic it he** with all their patrons parking on the road. I have a picture of Pompanos hanging on my wall in my office. A friend gave it to me for my birthday on year. I think she was implying a spend some time there (hey it is right across the street from the condo - so there is no drinking and driving.) :lol:


Beach Lover
Mar 6, 2005
miramargal said:
Condom Knowledge?????Bwahahahahaha!

Dallas has "Condoms to Go"...I guess it's for when you are in a hurry...so to speak.

My town has a store called "Condom Sense".


SoWal Insider
Feb 10, 2005
Chicago Area
jdarg said:
Ditto Mermaid and GTTBM. The only chain that I want to see on 30-A should be the one worn by 30-gAy. Keep that chain food to the east or west please. I don't go on vacation to eat the same crappy chain food that I can find at home!
Oh man, ain't that the truth. We've eaten so much fast food this past year. It now all tastes the same.


Beach Fanatic
I LOVE that place!!!! We were on our bikes last April; stopped in and had a Jamaican Beer; cant remember the name of it off hand...... ANYWAY; met a lady that owned one of the condos just across the lot (same side of the road).... She was probably in her 70's; I bought her several Miller lutes; she went on to tell me that she bought her condo 35 yrs ago after just passing through town and burying her husband; for like 70K...

Her friends all thought she was whacko back then for doing that on a whim ... JUST because she liked the way things were down there then~!!!!! Well, in Feb of last year she had it appraised... came back at a whopping 3.8 ... I am SURE it is just the land its on... What a lovely lady!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. ALL the wait staff really took GOOD care of us and even came out and sat on our sleds... Cant wait to go back in Sept!!!! Pretty good blu crab claws toooo!!!!!

Beachlover2 said:
Pompano Joe's - Yes they also survived - unfortunately their parking lot did not - so traffic it he** with all their patrons parking on the road. I have a picture of Pompanos hanging on my wall in my office. A friend gave it to me for my birthday on year. I think she was implying a spend some time there (hey it is right across the street from the condo - so there is no drinking and driving.) :lol:


little sugar
Jan 12, 2005
St Louis Missouri
kathydwells said:
A laundrymat...honestly, the folks I was with and I just last week said that would be a GREAT business in the 30-A area. If I had the capital, that is what I would do!!!!!

Good idea Kathy, maybe in a building on or very close to the beach so you can relax in the sun while you wait.....

we have never been in need of this since all of our homes have washers and dryers none the less........you are one smart cookie !!! :clap_1:
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