
South Walton Inspiration

January 12, 2015 by Richard Olivarez

As is true with any location fortunate enough to be by a large body of water – the beach is by far the number one reason eager travelers head to our corner of paradise.

Granted, South Walton is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the country – or the world for that matter – but the most precious souvenir any departing guest ventures home with is not sandy feet or a sun-kissed tan. Explorers who arrive seeking fun in the sun find this in abundance, but perhaps the most valuable keepsake of all found on our shores is inspiration.

The acclaim extolling the virtues of South Walton as one of the top beach destinations is plentiful. It’s easy to measure the more tangible aspects of a visit to our fair community – touching, feeling and breathing in the bountiful experiences to be had here.

A million different forms of media take these concepts and present them neatly to people around the world who can easily see themselves walking the shores, paddle boarding in our lakes or otherwise drinking in those things that comprise a holiday in our measure of paradise. Less easy to convey is the idea that inspiration is just as accessible as the aforementioned vacation commodities – if one knows where to seek it. Everything about the coastal communities of South Walton begs to be drunk in deep droughts – replenishing one’s reserves and laying the groundwork for renewed focus and passion.

It can be found everywhere along our shores and our shared community. It starts with the beach and meanders through abundant and well-protected natural surroundings including nearly one-of-a-kind coastal dune lakes and massive natural forests. Local artists pay homage to this in gallery after gallery where guests are invited to casually wend their way through the mirror that creativity holds up to natural beauty. The renowned artistic community of South Walton is thriving and creates individual treasures that are sure to be cherished for generations.

Another example of the manifestation of inspiration is the delicately crafted designs of the towns that comprise South Walton. Each is its own unique thread in this remarkably woven architectural tapestry. They complement their natural surroundings and embrace their own distinct architectural interpretation of “the good life” along the coast. One of these communities has actually pioneered a worldwide phenomenon known as New Urbanism. Focused on walkable designs and eliminating the necessity for an automobile, Seaside, Florida has inspired urban planners, architects and visionary developers from every corner of the world.

There is, perhaps, no more natural companion to the beach than music. Here the music moves you – not unlike being embraced by the tide. Flowing from town to town, on stages, in beachside bars and on the sand, music provides an inspiring soundtrack for any experience. In addition to the year-round venues filled with talented artists, there is no better example of musical inspiration at the beach than the 30A Songwriters Festival. An expertly orchestrated event that occurs each Martin Luther King Day holiday weekend, the entire area comes alive with musical entertainment. On one glorious weekend, 150 songwriters host 200 performances at 25 venues along Scenic Highway 30A.

South Walton is a steward of true inspiration. Our intimate community is home to a wide and wondrous selection of experiences and each is sure to resonate differently. Fortunately, South Walton and its collection of coastal communities offer a little something for everyone – particularly inspiration.

Ocean Reef Vacation Rentals & Real Estate is a proud supporter of the arts.  As a Premier Lodging Partner of the 2015 Songwriters Festival we’d like to extend a 15% discount to festival attendees in select South Walton Vacation Rentals.  In addition to discounted accommodations, guests who stay with Ocean Reef will receive 20% off tickets to the event.


Richard Olivarez's picture

Richard stays on top of South Walton and Destin as Editor in Chief of Souvenir Magazine and Marketing Director for Ocean Reef Resorts - a premier vacation rental company, offering a wide array of luxury properties from Destin to Panama City Beach.

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