
Blue Mountain Fra-Gee-Lay 2k Awards & After Party

Walk, run, crawl, eat, drink & be merry at the Blue Mountain FRA-GEE-LAY 2K! The 'official tacky sweater Christmas Race for those who don't race' will take place Sunday, December 17th, beginning at Blue Mountain Bakery. The grueling 1.2 mile run/walk over the highest mountain on the Gulf of Mexico begins at 9:30AM. All ages welcome.

Cookies & Mimosas provided at the half way point! Prizes awarded to the Best Family Theme, Movie Theme, Best Overall and more. 


Sunday, December 17, 2023 - 11:00 to 14:00

Sugarcane Jane @ Red Fish Taco

Sugarcane Jane on stage tonight in the Garden Room at Red Fish Taco from 6-9pm. 

Sugarcane Jane, the Alabama Gulf Coast-based husband and wife duo has amassed an extremely loyal following. Rich, homegrown, and natural, their brand of Americana draws from a deep well of roots influences, interwoven with inflections of gospel, country, jazz, and rock.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023 - 18:00 to 21:00


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