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The Government bailout just hurt us again

Once again, liberal Government policy has hurt those it was intended to help. The government is now guaranteeing certain business debt. What does this mean? An investor looking to buy government secured debt doesn't need to buy government bonds and Fannie/Freddie paper. They can buy corporate debt guaranteed by the US Govt. This paper pays higher interest than conforming loans.

Result: Conforming home loans rates will increase to average American homeowners.

The Constitution of the US charges the government with certain responsibiliies and charges American citizens with certain responsibilities. This move is a liberal move away from strict construction and puts another nail in the coffin. The US should learn to accept consequences instead of diluting the Constitution.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 30, 2007
Once again, liberal Government policy has hurt those it was intended to help. The government is now guaranteeing certain business debt. What does this mean? An investor looking to buy government secured debt doesn't need to buy government bonds and Fannie/Freddie paper. They can buy corporate debt guaranteed by the US Govt. This paper pays higher interest than conforming loans.
My, one is on a ramble today, eh?:blink: Why is ths a "liberal" governmental action when it was pioneered by a GOP regime?:dunno:
Result: Conforming home loans rates will increase to average American homeowners.
The light will turn red. Both were going to happen regardless.:D
The Constitution of the US charges the government with certain responsibiliies and charges American citizens with certain responsibilities. This move is a liberal move away from strict construction and puts another nail in the coffin.
Who died?:dunno:
The US should learn to accept consequences instead of diluting the Constitution.
Young man, the Constitution was deemed irrelevant a long time ago, do you not understand that we are under terrorist attack?
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My, one is on a ramble today, eh?:blink: Why is ths a "liberal" governmental action when it was pioneered by a GOP regime?:dunno:The light will turn red. Both were going to happen regardless.:DWho died?:dunno:Young man, the Constitution was deemed irrelevant a long time ago, do you not understand that we are under terrorist attack?

GOP or Democrat, there's very little substantial difference. Now you've got me wondering, did Osama kill Harry Browne?

I knew you could set me off in a new direction. Thanks for the creative thinking. You may not know how prophetic you really are, but I do. :wave:

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
GOP or Democrat, there's very little substantial difference. Now you've got me wondering, did Osama kill Harry Browne?

I knew you could set me off in a new direction. Thanks for the creative thinking. You may not know how prophetic you really are, but I do. :wave:

It makes my heart happy that TheSheep has finally found a fan! :clap:

I also like it when TheSheep speaks in English instead of barnyard. :wave:
It makes my heart happy that TheSheep has finally found a fan! :clap:

I also like it when TheSheep speaks in English instead of barnyard. :wave:

It's not always popular to find the positives.

I didn't even know that Harry Browne had died until I thought about what the Sheep was saying. If you haven't checked out Harry, a pioneering Libertarian, you might find it an interesting bio. Now if I can get Judge Wells to give me back my arms I might be able to take out Osama.

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
Back on topic....

Investment tips for 2008 & 2009

With all the turmoil in the market today and the collapse of Lehman Bros and Acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America this might be some good advice. For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so that you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks.

Watch for these consolidations in later this year:

1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W R. Grace Co. Will merge and become:
Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.

2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become:
Poly, Warner, Cracker.

3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become:

4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become:
ZipAudiDoDa .

5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become:

6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become:
Fairwell Honeychild.

7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become:

8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become:
Knott NOW!

9. Victoria 's Secret and Smith &Wesson will merge under the new name:
Titty Titty Bang Bang

And finally...

10. Mother's Jams & Jellies and Smucker's Jams & Jellies will unite to be:

Mother Smucker's


SoWal Insider
Yeah, actually I do.

I think TFT had mom take some XOM off the table and then hooked her up with a trailing stop--I hope it worked out for her. TFT was on the right track by asking questions when the energy market was wild and wooly and did her mom a service by being the voice of reason.


I remember that discussion. I'll be interested to hear what TFT's mom did. I didn't touch mine...haven't touched it in 54 years.

Oh I just saw this. TFT's mom did NOT follow through on the stop-loss plan. Months ago I tried to get her to plan to sell a big chunk at $75, and then more if it dropped to $65. She agreed on the $75 stop-loss, but she did not commit to how much to sell, said she was going to meet with a new financial planner first (who would of course tell her the same thing). Did not meet with the planner, did not execute the order, and I've stopped bringing it up. :bang:

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
Oh I just saw this. TFT's mom did NOT follow through on the stop-loss plan. Months ago I tried to get her to plan to sell a big chunk at $75, and then more if it dropped to $65. She agreed on the $75 stop-loss, but she did not commit to how much to sell, said she was going to meet with a new financial planner first (who would of course tell her the same thing). Did not meet with the planner, did not execute the order, and I've stopped bringing it up. :bang:

If it makes you feel any better, PawPaw is still paying to rent a touchtone phone from the phone company. He thinks it is funny. :bang:

Deep breaths. :wave:
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