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Beach Comber
Dec 9, 2007
What's the chance the our government can peacefully merge or acquire another country? Maybe we can work our way out of this.


can someone explain to me the difference between 'world debt-external' and the total globalized CDO's that are detailed in the first original article. the first article says that the global CDO's total 485 trillion, and the cia site states our world's debt at only 53 trillion as of 2004.....


Beach Comber
Dec 9, 2007
What's the chance the our government can peacefully merge or acquire another country? Maybe we can work our way out of this.


can someone explain to me the difference between 'world debt - external' and 'global collateralized debt obligations'....the original article states that these CDO's are totalling 485 trillion, and the cia site states our world debt at around 53 trillion as of 2004....?


Beach Lover
Aug 1, 2006
The original article states the value of "derivatives" at $485T, not "CDOs".

It's a fairly complex topic. I can point you to two sources to try and help sort it out.

1. An article that was written in 2003 when Warren Buffett, the next Treasury Secretary :dunno:, warned of the impending disaster related to Derivatives.


Money quote: "Some derivatives contracts, Mr Buffett says, appear to have been devised by 'madmen'."

2. Wikipedia's entry on CDO's


If you have any additional questions, you can find me in the corner of my office curled up in the fetal position.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 21, 2005
S & P 865.17
DJII 8193
11:00 p.m. 10/10/08

Will you still be at the Linear Green tomorrow? I've been thinking about getting off the wagon.

I think we are at the bottom today. Xom is down $20 in 2 days !!!!! Total capitulation the last two trading sessions. I will see you tomorrow at the Green.
I think we are at the bottom today. Xom is down $20 in 2 days !!!!! Total capitulation the last two trading sessions. I will see you tomorrow at the Green.

We are hovering in and around the numbers you posted. Bold move picking the bottom of the S & P and Dow. If you turn out to be correct within a couple percentage points it will be amazing. I guess you know I'll be watching.

See ya


Beach Fanatic
Feb 21, 2005
Equity Eradication, Evisceration, Ejection, Emasculation, Extraction, Emaciation, Eviction
The Bull has been castrated!
Now, the good news. The very fact that I posted this should be a great contraindicator. Today, today should be the bottom at 11:30 A.M.

=no Ejaculation.
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