It's amazing that we never seem to learn. I remember when people were joyfully piling their life savings into Double Click, Infospace,, and any other hairbrained dotcom that was hatched. After that crash, it seems that we would have understood where manias lead.
Not too many years later, I remember people who were quitting their jobs to become real estate investors, not paying attention to the fact that we had more $million condos and homes than millionaires who wanted them. I bought a lot, and sold it a year to the day later and it nearly trippled. Unfortunately, I used the proceeds to by a lot that is pretty close to worthless, but it was "the house's" money that I was playing with. So, I ended up back where I started, which I guess is better than many.
I have learned that when these inevitable busts occur, I have to economize even more, which is hard considering that I don't spend much, try to squeeze out more money to invest rather than giving up, and remind myself that money, although important cannot be the source of happiness. It sometimes goes away.
Seriously, good luck to all of you in weathering this. I don't find any joy in watching others suffer, with the exception of thieving politicians and executives who go to jail, however rarely it occurs.