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Beach Fanatic
Sep 4, 2006
Seagrove Beach, FL
I agree, the sell off is far from over. I'd say S&P 500 lows of around 500. We'll probaby pass through that level a few times over the next six months to a year. Revised lower earnings for 2009 arent baked into this thing yet.

That's closer to the truth. America is bankrupt. Kaput.

The FED and the PPT are doing everything they can to keep the markets from collapsing. So much money will be printed in 2009 the collapse of the dollar won't be far behind. The big crash hasn't even happened yet.

9000 hedge funds have about $9 trillion dollars to deleverage and that takes years. Start loading up on gold and oil and liquidating assets. Taking delivery on gold is probably a good idea. It's very low right now. MAY go under $700 but when it's over $2k it won't really matter.

We produce nothing and consume everything. The party is over boomers. Linear consumption leveraged with debt within a cyclical universe is a one-way ticket to implosion. Over the top? nope.

We've known nothing but prosperity and most can't even fathom what's going to happen. History repeats, nature repeats, human emotions repeat. Natural law, fractals, Fibonacci, it's science!

Depression after 2010 and we hit the reset button.

good luck, god bless.



Beach Fanatic
Sep 4, 2006
Seagrove Beach, FL
tnj you sould like you're in the stock mkt?

I've been trading daily for about a year. I'm not new to math but was new to finance. I feel like I've just walked into a horror movie during the climax.


Here's a post by a friend of mine on a finance board who puts it...more eloquently?

"The bobble head dolls at CNBC, Bloomberg, etc. would have you believe we're on the cusp of a sustained bear run that will take the S&P north of 1100, and yet there's this enormous flight to treasuries (with negative returns in some instances), staggering unemployment numbers, constantly downward revised guidance and vastly reduced orders. WTF is going on here?

This is cognitive dissonance at its best, my friends. The MSM bull blitz/barrage is attempting to assuage investors, convincing them that despite the absolutely vicious nature of this downturn, there is a light at the end of 2009 and brother Obama will lessen the pain along the way. This is so much utter bullsh*t that one can barely fathom the depths of their depravity. If you think putting us deeper in debt to alleviate problems caused precisely by too much debt will be rectified so easily, I've got a bridge to sell you.

It would appear that the media outlets have successfully convinced us that "deficits don't matter", carpe diem and onward and upward. Irrationality is pulling this bull by the nose ring. The best thing that could happen to this country is a prolonged period of suffering. That we are trying to avoid anything resembling true repentance for our 25-year credit-based consumer rampage just proves to me that we are F'ing toast - whether now or later. That we'll make it through this latest predicament I have no doubt, but make no mistake - it will come at the price of our credit rating, our currency, our standing in the world, and much, much more. We have used our last get out of jail free card and the rest of the world has tired of us. When the IOUs come due and we debase our currency or outright default, don't expect the Arabs, Asians or even the Europeans to come riding to the rescue by propping up our sham of a tertiary/quaternary-based economy. People still want to consume things - problem is, we don't make anything of value. See GM, Ford & Chrysler. Yeah, deficits don't matter. Whatever."


Beach Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
I've been trading daily for about a year.

When you say daily, do you mean day trading?

What prompted you to daily trade a year ago?


Beach Fanatic
Sep 4, 2006
Seagrove Beach, FL
When you say daily, do you mean day trading?

What prompted you to daily trade a year ago?

I guess day trading is relative. By definition I don't day trade, but I do make a handful of roundtrip trades each week.

By daily, I meant I have been studying and watching it intently on a daily basis for a year. That's still very newbie territory.

What prompted me was to get mine before the gettin' is done. I grew tired of swimming upstream. If that's where the money is, so be it.
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