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Dec 15, 2011
Got any other bright ideas or solutions?

We're all ears.


The fact is this is politically motivated and you and the WCTA are leading the charge.

If the majority of candidates (particularly the ones "born and raised here") were as honest as Barnhill has been, ya'll wouldn't have anyone to vote for. Just sayin...

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
So the stooge for Cecilia Jones gets your vote eh?

So much for taking "politics" out of education!

Not happy about the "stooge" either, but the Referendum is more important in my book. Our family will be voting yes.

As for Barnhill, lost more votes here too...

Bob Hudson

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
jdarg, The fact is this is politically motivated and you and the WCTA are leading the charge. If the majority of candidates (particularly the ones "born and raised here") were as honest as Barnhill has been, ya'll wouldn't have anyone to vote for. Just sayin...

Your response was directed at Jdarg but you listed the WCTA as well.

The WCTA asked that this question be posed to the voters of Walton County. It is an option that is in the State Constitution and the only way people have to express their view is in a referendum requested by the public.

No candidate to support for "political reasons" only a choice that the voters will make.

We worked to give you and all other registered voters the right to choose.

I believe it to be the best method for bringing the best possible person to the position. Your not limited to only Walton County residents but they would not be excluded from being hired if they rose to the top of all who applied.

Please go to the polls to vote as I will. You have obviously determined you don't want to see the change made to a system supported in 99 out of 100 school systems in the United States.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
Could someone please tell me what vocational subjects are taught in Walton County high schools? While I cetainly agree the overall academic regimen should be directed toward preparation for college, some students want to learn vocational skills as well. When I attended high school back in the '40s, we had carpentry, auto repair and welding available. What have we here?

I believe students in Walton county have the option to go to the vocational schools in Bay or Okaloosa. I agree that not everyone is going to go to college and that's fine, we still need mechanics, carpenters, hair stylists, etc. These are not demeaning or low class jobs, they are the ones that provide services to even the highest degree seeking individual.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 16, 2014
Lost in the world
I believe students in Walton county have the option to go to the vocational schools in Bay or Okaloosa. I agree that not everyone is going to go to college and that's fine, we still need mechanics, carpenters, hair stylists, etc. These are not demeaning or low class jobs, they are the ones that provide services to even the highest degree seeking individual.

I'd give ten lawyers for one good mechanic who could work on our Toyota.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
Just so all understand, Jdarg, I am not, under any circumstances, saying math and other skills should be replaced with those of a vocational nature. The vocational skills I mentioned at my high school were supplied as additions to the regular curriculm as was JROTC.


Beach Lover
Jul 16, 2012
All walton county students have the option of attending classes at the walton career development center in defuniak. (Formerly walton vo-tech). Students can study nursing, hair and nails, mechanics, building construction, horticulture, technology, etc. many students leave high school with a diploma AND certifications in one of these areas. It is a fascinating school to visit and an excellent option for many students. One of our school board members, Sharon Roberts is a past student.


Dec 18, 2010
It's funny how opinions can change in a few years. Four years ago I was critical of our superintendent and how the school district was being run and I was quite literally run off this very discussion board. Now some are starting to agree with me. The fact remains that hired superintendents are almost always better qualified than elected ones. Where I've lived superintendents were hired from other states and were not connected to political machines.
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