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Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
If the CU supporters would just stick to ALL of the facts, and not just their cherry-picked hyperbole, the discussion would be much better.

And certainly shorter.
And if opponents would just wait for the court case to be settled one way or the other, but that would defeat the purpose of the thread.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
Yes, the purpose of this thread was to rile up BPO's and maybe pick up a few non BPO's with political rhetoric but the method had a major flaw. The method started with a full tank of energy and it was burned up quickly with too much duplication, repetition and negativity. IMO their method actually worked against their purpose. I think their biggest flaw is that people actually benefit from being social and community oriented and when they sense that the message is leading them away from those values they get off the bus. Speaking for myself, I got on the bus, asked a few questions, the answers made me realize that the bus ain't going where they said it was going and got off pretty quickly. I think most readers of this thread did the same thing. I will give the ghost posters some credit for the entertainment value. I am sure that Perry Mason would be proud :)

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
Thank you Walton County. I posted this heart felt message 170 days ago that crossed THE line in the sand (get it?). It’s sole purpose was to give voice to a perspective and set of facts that was being aggressively censored from your view. It’s done much more than that.

It’s generated a record 500 views per day (~85,000), 10 replies per day (1,740), and gave concerned citizens a public forum to discuss the true facts of the issue. I couldn’t be more impressed with some of the voices contributing with historical and factual legal education that is deviously kept from public view elsewhere. I’ve learned a lot from these very smart folk.

I do not understand however, Why selective retitling of this post and continued editing still must take place arbitrarily, seemingly to control the message.

The author and friends are very happy to note, however;

1) The public and social media staged noise have not crossed the behavior line quite so much lately, been relatively quiet with only one or two radical voices no longer being encouraged by a previously uninformed mass following.
2) The citizens have been exposed to more and more true facts of the matter, and realize sentiments like this original post’s, are held by both sides, a mutual desire for harmony, not forced conflict.
3) The lawsuit against the citizens was apparently a big, VERY costly mistake, having little chance of meeting the strict legal requirements necessary to remove private property rights.
4) BPO’s are indeed people too, neighbors who want our collective beaches to be PROTECTED and enjoyed by ALL, but not abused and destroyed by a FREE FOR ALL.
5) A 2019 record tourist season with NO inevitable threats to the economy or chaos on the beaches. But in fact a season of millions of visitors living out South Walton dreamy commercials and NOT being eaten alive by evil, greedy, malicious BPO’s.

So thanks for the input. Thanks for the open minds. And sorry for the continued conspiracy theories and propaganda that still dilute the valuable adult discussion taking place here. But in reality, the entertainment value of the alarmist, activist, radicalist, agitatorist, blasphemist, narcissist, egotist, conspiracy theorist, antagonist, social terrorist contributions makes it fun, no?

And remember, we’re all in this together and capable of doing what we’ve always done as soon as the lawsuits and public attacks can stop - and that’s get along peacefully, together, on our beaches. But regardless of who wins, this fight over CU Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy.
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Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Yes, the purpose of this thread was to rile up BPO's and maybe pick up a few non BPO's with political rhetoric but the method had a major flaw. The method started with a full tank of energy and it was burned up quickly with too much duplication, repetition and negativity. IMO their method actually worked against their purpose. I think their biggest flaw is that people actually benefit from being social and community oriented and when they sense that the message is leading them away from those values they get off the bus. Speaking for myself, I got on the bus, asked a few questions, the answers made me realize that the bus ain't going where they said it was going and got off pretty quickly. I think most readers of this thread did the same thing. I will give the ghost posters some credit for the entertainment value. I am sure that Perry Mason would be proud :)

They will never reveal themselves (the anonymous posters/posers in this thread). This entire threads real purpose is meant to be a repository of their views, their narratives and propaganda much like the handful of blogs that are out there in Internet land. #46Followers. Some of these anonymous posters/posers are the very same persons with multiple identities here to try to add “voices“ to the “Get off my beach“ narrative. They are trying here to bait customary use supporters into saying things that fit their narrative and, I would guess, to document it for some imagined legal purpose. It’s pretty obvious the way the posters are presenting that in some way they think that by posting this stuff it will be useful documentation for building a case for some future lawsuit; good luck with that. All the repetitive meticulous documentation, all the references, the footnotes the screenshots of CU supporters comments, the doxxing of CU supporters. Trying to paint their own good neighbors as a mob of unruly private property stealin’, socialist agitatin’ monsters. Good luck with that.

Those in favor of Public Beaches are grounded and just as committed to freeing our beaches as the private beach folks are to chaining them. And the bottom line is there are plenty of those like us that will line up in every coastal community in America and if it’s not me it’ll be someone else and if it’s not them it’ll be someone else and if it’s not them it’ll be someone else. So if they think people are going to be intimidated to stop working to keep our beaches free and open to the public in coastal communities all across our nation, good luck with that.

And finally, Anonymous Reggie's fantasy that this is some sort of amazing thread is ridiculous. Yes, big numbers of posts but as I have said, anyone can look at the engagement and it is the same 20, give or take a few, minus those banned for doxxing and personal attacks, people talking in circles; easy to document using the simple tools provided on SoWal. It's all there. Run the Data Reggie, and prove me wrong. Same people on both sides posting and viewing.

The bottom line is that we are all neighbors on opposite sides of an issue that will be decided in Court or by lawmakers. Some of the back and forth dialogue has been interesting but nothing will be decided here and what has been posted here will have no useful purpose other than a history of the dialog of the conflict of the CU issue. The way HB631 is set up this drama will play out in many many coastal communities in Florida. HB631 placed the Commissioners in a box and the only way to proceed for Customary Use was to follow the procedures set forth in the statute. BFOs supported the bill then didn't want the Commission to follow through. It's an inconvenient truth for the anonymous folks here but that's the way it is.

At any rate the truth is, Excluding people from our centuries of shared beaches and calling them trespassers will destroy our 30A Legacy.
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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
#1744. “They will never reveal themselves.” And this is but one reason why besides the fake police report, staged trespasses on private property, CU active shooter videos, and anti-social media CU BPO-attacks. Mike Huckabee’s role in pushing controversial beach access law

“This entire threads real purpose” ... is meant to shine the light of facts and truth on the CU believers intentional false narratives. Economic south Walton CU ghost towns, quiet title of private property was ever public, that dry sand private property is worthless or not taxed, that Vizcaya was ever public beach, there is any Seaside 30A LLC beachfront owner, that private property owners have stopped TDC driving on the beach when the State of Florida has prevented TDC from driving on MILES of “public” beaches, to name but only a few.

“They are trying here to bait customary use supporters into saying things that fit their narrative and, I would guess, to document it for some imagined legal purpose. It’s pretty obvious the way the posters are presenting with all the documentation that in some way they think that by posting this stuff it will be useful documentation for building a case for some future lawsuit I would guess; good luck with that.” Why? Another baseless not-credible CU conspiracy theory. The Walton Commissioners’ CU case is already in court. BPO posts illustrate why vocal CU believers baseless conspiracies and narrative are false so BPO can know the difference between Fact and fiction.

‘Those in favor of Public Beaches [but WHY? Besides I believe or to incite others with no facts] are grounded and just as committed to freeing our beaches as the private beach folks are to chaining them.”
Chaining them? How can a private property owner “chain” property rights they have had, have today, is recognized by the Sherriff, unless someone is trying to “take” it from them?

"The bottom line is that we are all neighbors on opposite sides of an issue that will be decided in Court or by lawmakers. Some of the back and forth dialogue has been interesting but nothing will be decided here and what has been posted here will have no useful purpose other than a history of the dialog of the conflict of the CU issue."

Then STOP the intentional, uninformed, CU misinformation, and BPO name calling and BPOs will not feel the need to counter the consistent CU misinformation.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
The way HB631 is set up this drama will play out in many many coastal communities in Florida. HB631 placed the Commissioners in a box and the only way to proceed for Customary Use was to follow the procedures set forth in the statute. BFOs supported the bill then didn't want the Commission to follow through. It's an inconvenient truth for the anonymous folks here but that's the way it is.
HB631 simply reiterated what our Constitution already states in regards to government trying to confiscate private property - that it can only be done with DUE PROCESS. To argue otherwise is being intellectually dishonest.

IMO, the commissioners who passed the original Customary Use Ordinance with no due process violated their oaths to uphold the Constitution.

All of this done because of pressure from The People (and you)..... to shred a core value of the U.S. Constitution: private property rights.

Dave, I fully understand why you hate HB631. However, you should be taking up your gripes with the super majority of Florida legislators who passed it and the Constitution which requires due process and not blame beach front owners.

Somehow I think you know your cause doesn’t stand a chance with customary use being tried in court (where it belongs) and not by The People. And that’s what really irks you about HB631.
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Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
Guess those BFOs with pre-2016 ordinances are just SOL. They "lost" their right to use "their beach" when they re-worded HB631 to exclude them. Wonder why all these lawyers arent lining up in those counties to "support private property rights" ??

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
Thx, I forgot. The same 10-20 viewers on this thread are the same “only a handful, aka10-12” BPO’s that we were led to believe would challenge a lawsuit against them. But now in reality, thousands are defending themselves. But sure, we’ll go with that 10-20 fantasy if it makes some of us sleep better. I’m cool with that.

(Back of Restaurant napkin math....500 views per day/12 people = 42 views per day EACH, for 170 days. If each of the 12 BPO’s is awake for 15 hrs/day, that’s about 3x per hour EACH during every waking hour, EVERY DAY)
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Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
Thank you Dave for being the bigger person with your positive message. It is okay to disagree with people but the methods that the power brokers bring to this community is worse than negative. The anti-social nature of those that oppose public beaches for all humans and forever is shameful. They know it and have no choice but to hide their faces from the community. I seriously tried to give them a chance to offer a different tone but they can't do it. It is not in their nature. The offer still stands for them to come to a social event and discuss possible solutions that would be good for all people and not just a few. Maybe I am more of an idealist than I should be but I always have hope that people can see through themselves into a much bigger and brighter world of beautiful resources and beautiful people. Of course we all have room to improve ourselves but you must first have awareness. All we have to go on is the words they type and I sense no such awareness from them. They behave like they have a mandate to attack people and minimize another opinion otherwise why would they hide behind fake names.
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