I've thought about getting a place with a gallery in the front for framed photos but got too much going on - maybe when things slow down.
The internet is my real office - thanks Al Gore. [/QUOTE]
I would shop in your gallery Kurt....Actually I am wanting to get a framed pic of the sowal beach to hang in my office at work so that I can be there all the time even when I am not. I want to get one about 30 wide by 12" high. I really just want scenic. No people. Any ideas where to look or do you sell prints like that?
The internet is my real office - thanks Al Gore. [/QUOTE]
I would shop in your gallery Kurt....Actually I am wanting to get a framed pic of the sowal beach to hang in my office at work so that I can be there all the time even when I am not. I want to get one about 30 wide by 12" high. I really just want scenic. No people. Any ideas where to look or do you sell prints like that?