JB said:I think it's going to be a different ballgame this time around. There will be more of a sense of urgency, and thus the effort to repair dunes/beaches will be more aggressive (and perhaps more radical). Of course, this is just speculation on my part, but I think I'm probably correct.
People's homes have to be protected. If the foundations of homes are hanging off sand cliffs, it will have too be fixed very quickly.
The sad fact is that hurricanes always eat beachfront homes. It will happen sooner or it will happen later, but it will eventually happen.
People and businesses need to be encouraged not to build on top of the dunes so close to the water. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but it should not be the responsibility of the taxpayer to shore up private homes when history shows that it isn't a good idea to build on top of the dunes.
Just my 2 cents.