The D&K Cafe closing is a rumor that has been going around for at least three years now. The same employee told us two summers ago, but said it was "hush, hush." I did notice they had not replenished their tee-shirt and baseball cap supply this past summer and fall, however. The employee mentioned the impendingn closing again at Christmas. I think they are just anticipating a big increase in rent when the lease comes up and know they won't be able to foot it. This is a real shame, because that is one of the best places to eat in the area and it is one of the few reminders of what "Old Grayton" was like. I will shed tears if it does close. We had my husband's 60th birthday bash there and everyone loved The D&K.
Publix Market does, indeed have excellent take-out, including a fried chicken that is unequalled and a banana pudding that is delish. Another good and reasonably priced place is The Donut Hole, located at the south corner of Highway 98 where it intersects with 30A. Their breakfasts are yummy and they also have a very good bakery for donuts, breads, cakes and pies for pick-up.
The place my husband gets the biggest kick out of is the Corner Cafe in Freeport, located at the intersection where Highway 331 ends at the signal. It is in a shopette with a hairdresser, an oyster house, and a well driller. The well drilling crew comes in at noon for a big lunch of mullet and veggies. The walls are hung with strange paraphanalia, such as plastic laundry baskets from the 1960s (which I had to explain to Yankee husband is the shrimp and crab trap of choice for us local "Fishheads"). Husband ordered a 1/4 lb. of boiled shrimp and received a huge platter that was close to a pound and they were wonderful. The cost was $3.49 for his plate. They also have a very good hamburger. Do not order the coleslaw...I think it is made from swampweeds.