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30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
There will be experts from both sides of the issue present at the meeting. Mr. Skunkape, this thread doesn't concern you. This thread concerns those of us who ARE concerned. You are obviously very happy with your current situation and I applaud your intestinal fortitude. Please leave this thread for those of us who would like to INVESTIGATE this matter further. Please let us decide this through the proper amount of red tape and bureaucratic double-speak, without passing judgement from your proverbial armchair. Or, are you willing to go fight for the pesticide's right to liberty and freedom? Are you PRO-pesticide? I am no expert, but I doubt the fella driving the truck past my house twice a week is either. I want a discussion in the public forum. That is democracy.

My family ran a pest control business for countless years, and I grew up in that environment. My exposure level was high, and I do not wish to be sprayed any longer. I moved to this area to reach my full potential, enjoy the wonderful weather and environment, and get healthy. I consider the mass spraying of pesticides to be anathema to this pursuit. There are other options, and though you would love for someone to point them out so that you can riff on them, I think we will save it for the meeting where there might be viable discussion.

:rotfl: Is this my invitation to get out of town before the sun sets? You guys are nutz;I suspect you have less interest in 'investigation' and more in entering the meeting with your preconceived notions, no matter how erroneous, firmly cemented and then spreading the gospel of fear. And as a matter of fact, if I am not working at 9:30 AM like most of the civilized world, I will go to the show and tell and participate just as much as anyone else who lives here, and if somebody starts quacking like a duck, I will call them on it. I see it as an obligation as a guardian of the local public health and welfare. :wave:


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Skunky, you need to go for a walk. It is a bee-yoo-tiful morning. Deep breaths of fresh air.......

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove

Skunky: blinded by science.

Kurtifunn: the scales can only be removed from your eyes if you care to see. I appreciate your concern about indiscriminate (sp?) insect killing;that is a whole other issue, and honestly I would be interested to know how many 'innocents' die with each application. I simply have a problem with junk science being injected into what should be a debate among the informed. Here is a very sober piece from California that should actually clarify the risks and benefits of spraying without obviously trying to scare the living bejeezum out of people. :creepy:


Beach Lover
Jul 14, 2006
:rotfl: Is this my invitation to get out of town before the sun sets? You guys are nutz;I suspect you have less interest in 'investigation' and more in entering the meeting with your preconceived notions, no matter how erroneous, firmly cemented and then spreading the gospel of fear. And as a matter of fact, if I am not working at 9:30 AM like most of the civilized world, I will go to the show and tell and participate just as much as anyone else who lives here, and if somebody starts quacking like a duck, I will call them on it. I see it as an obligation as a guardian of the local public health and welfare. :wave:

Oh, you just convinced me (as a guardian of public health and welfare) that I am laughable and "nutz". Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I wasn't insinuating that you "get out of town". Simply, I was requesting that you stop poo-pooing every thread on this subject. We are all fully aware of your opinion now, thanks for sharing. This thread was simply to alert anyone concerned that there will be a meeting. I find you very rude and dismissive, sir.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
Oh, you just convinced me (as a guardian of public health and welfare) that I am laughable and "nutz". Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I wasn't insinuating that you "get out of town". Simply, I was requesting that you stop poo-pooing every thread on this subject. We are all fully aware of your opinion now, thanks for sharing. This thread was simply to alert anyone concerned that there will be a meeting. I find you very rude and dismissive, sir.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude. Why can't I poo-poo, I like to poo-poo?;-)


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
I appreciate your concern about indiscriminate (sp?) insect killing;that is a whole other issue,

Is it?

I appreciate people who question authority in the interest of public health and safety, and I try to keep an open mind. Even if you dislike the methods, the end result may be a better place to live.

"What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself". ~Abraham Lincoln

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Kurtifunn: the scales can only be removed from your eyes if you care to see. I appreciate your concern about indiscriminate (sp?) insect killing;that is a whole other issue,

Skunky, I find it interesting that since my first post on the subject, I have continued to talk about the cycle of life and the indiscriminate killing of many species of insects via mass spraying of the poisons, yet only now, you see that it is a valid point.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
Skunky, I find it interesting that since my first post on the subject, I have continued to talk about the cycle of life and the indiscriminate killing of many species of insects via mass spraying of the poisons, yet only now, you see that it is a valid point.

Actually, I first discussed it at sunset with Kurt about a month ago...
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