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James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
Funny how we have several anonymous posters that post long-winded diatribes written by lawyers with nothing but time. Is there a plot to get compensated for property that isn't selling?

James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
Ricky Garcia, another fake, anon poster/poser created for the "Walton County Vision's AKA Walton Wave Facebook Page, formerly touted as a fully public page and now private. We vet anonymous posters whenever possible and delete content if posted anonymously. If I am wrong that you are not representing yourself, a real person/resident of Walton County Mr. Garcia, full apologies are in order. Your altering my original works originally published by me will get no "discussion" from me.
They have no credibility. Why don't they stand up and speak? Why hide?


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Why not use one’s real name?
Here’s just one example....
In this thread a private property owner was posting some very coherent arguments. He used his real name. seabythegrove (another poster) then makes a lone comment, “Guess there is no beach in Newnan, GA?” There was absolutely no reason to expose his city of residence other than some bully intimidation tactic to let the poster know that seabythegrove knows where he lives.

The original poster was new to SoWal and an asset, IMO. After some very good posts, I think he had enough of the Mickey Mouse crap exhibited on that thread. I think rather than subject himself and his family to any possible backlash, I think he just decided to stop posting all together. I can’t blame him.

He was not respected any more for using his real name than those of us who do not use our real names.

A couple of times I have been threatened by folks here on SoWal to trespass on my private property, which is not gated BTW. That may not be a big threat in itself, but it clearly could have escalated into something much worse if confronted. Daniel Uhlfelder and his intimidation tactics is a prime example of why a vocal BFO wants to remain anonymous.

So enough with the the juvenile desperation of CU advocates trying to discredit any poster who desires to remain anonymous.

Those who complain the most tend to be the shallowest in the debate department. None of the traditional CU advocates on this thread can go toe to with the other Reggie, Florida Beach Bum, Stone Cold J, etc. This anonymity malarkey is about the only thing you can wrap your arms around.

Paging DAVID RAUSCHKOLB! MR. RAUSCHKOLB, please pick up the courtesy phone. Your nemesis is STILL waiting for an answer to his debate challenge.
Last edited:

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
The Ricky Garcia correction post that was referenced in my last entry here, was removed from FBFA page within 9 minutes of being posted. Let that sink in. Hundreds of private beach owners are blocked from the Walton Divisioning page as well, the original home of FBFA. Only in La La land kids, where adults are afraid to discuss real facts, but deal in blatant mistruths followed by censorship.

I’m not directly picking a fight with Dave, or anyone else. Nor am I attacking him. I’m merely a voice recognizing a public being manipulated by emotional revisionist historians crafting messages to drive a desired action. Dave refuses to discuss facts and content, here, or anywhere. He distracts with identity noise. But outside of Wacky Walton World, professionals and true leaders openly challenge and discuss community ideas without censorship and ridicule.

Reggie, Ricky, Isobel, or Tinkerbell, does it really matter a pen name? Dave, Daniel, Matt, Ryan, Justin, Jennifer, and dozens of others have publicly posted private information and addresses and deep identities of anyone who challenges them, inviting or encouraging mob like attacks and gatherings on their private property. Merely for openly challenging community ideas in public. All of this to silence the truth. So, Sorry, some of us are not interested in attracting those fabulous friends or hosting that wonderful party.

Well, here we are...
“Ricky” posted a factual correction of Dave’s seemingly dishonest rant. I believe Dave believes in his story, and has every right to. Does any intelligent adult want to address the facts within?


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
Bmbv, Reggie, FBB, SCJ etal, hiding behind a fake name while making an argument for a fact is irresponsible (in terms of the fact) at the very minimum. At the worst it means you are deceptive which speaks of character. If ya'll are scared because you believe someone will harm you then please call 911 or stop with that argument because it is ridiculous. Some of us post with our names and you power broker types use that at every opportunity to make sure that your supporters will know who we are. To me that also makes a statement of your character...worried about your health and well fare but could care less about those who you repeat their names over and over. I might be inclined to go a little further...but I won't.

Many of you power brokers are lawyers and are connected politically. We should have a live debate and I agree. On keeping the beaches public side I believe we should have an opponent that is at least equal in debate experience. Why do you keep attacking Dave who may or may not have debate experience? Why not lets all put our words where our mouth is an set up a live debate with the person who is posting under the name of Reggie Gaskins. I think you have some valid points about beach behavior, density, infrastructure, beach vending and disrespectful activism or just plain disrespect. You can of course argue the reasons why you desire, want or believe that you own exclusive rights on the beach and in a proper debate you will make your point and the other side will try and counter that point. I know how confident that you power brokers are in the protections that the Constitution offer us so why would you not want to debate with an equal in terms of debate experience?

James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
Names don't matter if you are posting info or even opinions. Until you call out someone opposing you by their real name.
Then you lose credibility.
And then crying for a debate without showing yourself is downright ridiculous. No credibility at all. And on top if that, trying to put down that person for not agreeing to a fake debate is cowardly.

And while I'm at it, saying beachfront owners are cowards for hiding behind lawyers is not a personal attack. Calling an individual a coward is a personal attack. Might be true, but still a personal attack. Saying someone acted cowardly may fall in between.

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
For those following the adult discussion.... In review, the major factual differences in DR/FBFA letter about County suing citizens, and the correction publication of same are listed in bullets here;

The HB631 was anything but unfair. It was passed by the vast supermajority of both Florida state legislative bodies.

That law reinforced already current laws requiring judicial oversight on declaring Customary Use of vast beach.

The bill defined proper legal procedure, not required action. The county had to deliberately decide to spend tens of millions of dollars to attack the land owners by choosing to sue them, in a risky attempt to prove a tough concept of Customary Use.

The 2016 ordinance of CU was created in violation of then current state law. Therefore, it was never valid.

Since it was never legally valid, Customary Use has never existed in Walton County. The challenge now is to CREATE CU, not AFFIRM it. Since CU has never existed here.

The private beaches and owners have held the same private property rights for centuries. The new law changed nothing there.

People have always enjoyed politely sharing private beaches in Walton as a Legacy of courtesy by owners, it’s how we lived. It was our culture. Until the CU activists attacked that culture and legacy.

Not one inch of public beach was affected by the new law, not one inch. There was never any privatization of any public beach in Walton County in any recent history.

The further the sides retreated to their corners, the more signs came out, restricting private property from the aggressive video ambush and doxing campaign of BPO’s by the CU activists.

Pick any fact here, feel free to discuss.

customary user

Beach Comber
Jul 2, 2009
It seems there is confusion and discussion in the community over an FBFA piece from DR that has appeared in many public venues. Ricky Garcia, of Santa Rosa Beach(?) has leveled the discussion on an FBFA FB page to more objective facts, rather than subjective heresay... interesting discussion point?

Ricky Garcia:
Although very powerful, this post is an opinion piece, improperly stating a few facts that create a false premise. While we should all respect each other’s positions and opinions on local matters, it’s important that facts not be misrepresented to make one’s point. A legal scholar might have rewritten this post, with correct factual and current legal statutes, to read as follows...

Advocates for Private Beaches say the County is unfairly suing 1200+ beachfront owners, and many of those are multi family units, resulting in nearly 5,000 owners being sued by county.

The County is now properly following the procedures set forth in a popularly supported and passed by more than a super majority in both state legislative bodies, House Bill 631 designed to affirm an existing state process for beach counties wishing to establish Customary Use. A Bill beachfront owners supported in addition to the current “one off” court cases. They support the Bill that reaffirms the legal process that required a judicial body to rule on Customary Use, rather than such an obvious illegal overreach by a local political body.

Any Customary Use Ordinance, by law, requires a decision in the courts. Florida Legislature at the urging of those lawmakers recognizing proper existing legal process, properly applied existing state law against the home rule overreach by our local County Commissioners in a previous unlawful ordinance.

Customary Use argument should have originally been litigated until a Judge ruled in that case, so the Florida Legislature, by starting the reconfirming law on July 1, 2018 required the people wishing for the public to enjoy full use of our private beaches, a path different from the customary history of public and private beaches in Walton County that has existed for centuries. This start date, confirming Florida and US Constitutional property rights, validated beachfront property owners rights to exclude unruly and arbitrary people from the sands they have owned with their families for hundreds of years. This will correctly let the Judge decide what the go forward process will be.

NO, the County did not just arbitrarily decide to sue the 1200 + properties, aka 5,000 owners, they were legally required to follow the proper legal procedure from the Florida Legislature and reacting to the unlawful establishment of our County’s unlawfully passed County Ordinance. The County was put into a box; it was either immediately and forever lose the Hail Mary attempt at an unlawful ordinance for use of the private beaches for it's public citizens and visitors - or follow the HB631 procedures to properly establish Customary Use.

It is fact, however, that Customary Use law has never legally existed in Walton County. Further, it is also succinct and proven fact that no public beach has been newly “privatized” by any law, including Quiet Title actions. Those actions merely confirmed or further defined already long ownership for many decades, that private beach.

The county had no choice; follow the procedures set forth in house bill 631, and long standing state law, or let our beaches remain a patchwork of 50% private and 50% public beaches. I, in my opinion as President of FBFA, admire and applaud their conviction by taking measures towards the public use of all of our private beaches for us and future generations. And if this lawsuit is won the rest of Florida and The Nation can thank them for taking this first important and essential step. Dave Rauschkolb

Great discussion opportunity here.....
This is confusing. Did you actually copy a post of Dave's on another site and then alter it? It seems like there are a few people on another site that are down in the weeds with info and personal back and forth and it is spilling over to other sites like this one where ordinary people have no idea who is who, or what is what. The droning on and on and the petty back and forth is not helpful.What is clear is the people who live in SoWal and millions of beach lovers think beach front owners are being complete assholes. And from reading posts here the assholes are crying and whining and trying to crush the locals standing up for everyone else. All the moaning and posting is not helping your cause. Instead of taking your lawyers advice and not talking, you can't help yourself. So you hide behind an alias and post day and night. Pathetic.
Win or lose in court you will lose. You have created a divide in our community that is causing real damage. Is that the goal? Drive people out?

James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
The Ricky Garcia correction post that was referenced in my last entry here, was removed from FBFA page within 9 minutes of being posted.
Altering someone else's post in a clumsy attempt to rebut is a fail The internet is not all that smart. You have to dumb things down and make them very clear and simple.. Try writing your own post that is clear, concise, and short. In other words, make your point and attack the issue, not the other person.

Which you probably did when you first started posting on the issue. Now your head is spinning and maybe your feelings are hurt.

1. I own the beach. My deed proves it.
2. The county is messing with me and they aren't going to get away with it. They are mean and incompetent and I will fight back.
3. The courts will decide I am right.

Is there a need to elaborate or go to a number 4? I doubt it. Seems some people just love to hear themselves talk, have to have the last word, have to put people in their place.
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