This original story was from the heart, as a family of generations living on 30A beach specifically. The Walton County Weirdness has hijacked all critical thinking and valuable discussion. Even this title was changed by admins because Dave couldn’t handle the message.
Thank you BMBV, your sanity and support of adult discussion are needed in this propaganda onslaught. Stop trying to argue with those incapable of linear arguments or cogent thought.
But here’s a correction folks, I don’t believe I’ve ever used the word debate. I’m pretty sure I’ve always offered to Dave, a calm, relaxed, public DISCUSSION. Table and chairs, stage, microphone, wine and cheese. And no, I’m not a professional debater, far from it. But we know he can’t accept that invite. End of story.
You see, that way, the community would find that I am not a BPO monster, I’m just a guy with a family that cares about and gives back heavily to the communities in which we live and work. I’ve never kicked anyone off of any beach, quite the opposite. Hearing my story in public, uncovering my identity on my terms, uncensored, would silence the attackers long enough to hear the clean message. All the crazies would still attack me, but honest and logical folks meeting me would support the honest discussion that I promote. Solving problems is fun, on and from both sides, working together.
Notice the closing of my last 5 posts!!! I’ve been asking for discussion!!! And they received none, nada, only personal garbage, innuendo, emotional trash, and childish diversions.
So after the many recent blatant censorship episodes here and across all local media, and the crazy conspiracy theories now ruling this thread, there’s no point in attempting to solve anything here. I’ll continue my work where an honest reality lives. Cheers.
Because evidenced by the division here alone, regardless of who wins,
This fight over
CU Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy