Does anyone on either side of the public vs private beach debate agree to a community fish fry? If we care about civility what better way to get to know each other than an old fashioned mullet and grits fish fry like they do up there in Niceville. Reggie, FBB, Bmbv, SCJ, AF, Kathryn and all the private beach supporters along with all the public beach supporters like myself should all put our faces with our words, smile and shake hands human to human. We can let each side have equal time on stage to voice their thoughts and respectful opinions. You know like a community that cares about more than just being right but is trying to find peace and civility with their neighbors. Listen if we can't do something like this we have a bigger problem than public vs private beach. The court will decide the legal stuff so why not let the court do it's job while all of us in the community do our job at being neighborly!