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Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
I agree with you FBB. Thank you for treating me with respect however I do believe that you enjoy a privilege that others will not have even though they work just as hard as you and your family.

I agree with you Dave. Unfortunately you disrespect by using words like "silly" and "ridiculous" etc. I will continue to disagree with your tactic of moral superiority. In my opinion it is hypocritical. Believe it or not I am on the side of Customary Use but not the tactics being used.

Teresa I hear what you are saying and I know that you try very hard to be respectful but one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. For me it is about the whole bunch of apples not just CU or Property Rights. Does it really have to all or nothing? Is it just not possible to reason with property owners at all?

What I said is that it is ridiculous that the author of this thread with the fake name, Reggie Gaskins is trying to paint those of us in support the customary use as some fantastical blaming that we are somehow hurting the legacy of 30A. I stand by my statement it’s ridiculous and silly. And absolutely not true. It’s not a tactic or anything other than my opinion and I fully stand by it. And a word to those hiding behind anonymous, fake names. I might have a little more respect, we all might have a little more respect for those posting on this thread if we knew who they were and stood by their word proudly and unabashedly. I tire of having conversations with people I have no idea who they are. that’s a big reason why I don’t participate in these circular types of conversations that seem to go nowhere. by the way, who are you? Thank you for supporting customary use but it would be nice to know who I’m talking to.
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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
What I said is that it is ridiculous that the author of this thread with the fake name,...if we knew who they were ...
Why would anyone much less beachfront owners want to identify and subject themselves to the anti-social media vitriol, not publicly by you individually, and risk having Daniel Uhlfelder or others inspired by "Your sand is my sand" baseless misinformation, intentionally come pick a fight with beachfront owners and law enforcement like at Viscaya?

Does the identity of the author change the verifiable facts?


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
5 County Commissioners in Walton County voted 5 to zero to affirm Customary Use as an ordinance. 5 County Commissioners voted 5 to zero to proceed with the process set forth in HB 631.
I had no idea! The BCC always does the right thing. Our private property rights attorney is getting fired on Monday.

We will tell anyone willing to listen what we believe.
A carnival barker’s motto.

There will always be bad actors, out of control with personal attacks.
Why not condemn what your group (Uhlfelder) stated about beachfront owners being like “oppressors”, the reason that his Jewish grandparents immigrated to the U.S., i.e. Nazis?

We don't condone that, nor can we control that as people say and do things on impulse without thinking; plenty of examples of Private Beachfront owners treating beachgoers with disrespect.
Uh, it isn’t expected that an attorney would pull out the Nazi card against BFOs in a planned public speech. Not giving Uhlfelder a pass on this one.

The day you admit that specific analogy from Uhlfelder was inappropriate is when I’ll stop bringing it up.

We, Florida Beaches For All, do not personally attack people and have treated those with private property on the beaches with respect. We will defend ourselves when attacked though.
And so will BFOs when they are constantly being accused of being mean, rich, selfish, greedy, anti-neighborly, Nazi-like, and oh yeah, title thieves.

Attempts to silence hard working Realtors on their opinions supporting Customary Use have and will fail.
OMG! All realtors have ethical standards beyond reproach.

Again, don’t forget that one very prominent national real estate company chose to rebuke ECAR’s position on taking a stand regarding customary use.

Any agent who supports customary use and accepts a BFO’s listing whose beach property is private, is a hypocrite, IMHO, especially if that property is in litigation. This includes ALL the homes off the beach that have private beach access such as Rosemary, Seaside, etc. as the entire association is in litigation.

I know your surfing buddy must certainly have several listings that fall in this category. Do you feel a need to protect his honor?

...We just disagree with you Reggie Gaskins or whoever you are with your fake name and all you others who don't stand out of the shadows as yourselves.
I have been on this forum since 2005 in many heated discussions and not once have I ever thought about trying “expose” the identity of those with whom I disagreed. In the end, it doesn’t matter who they are. It’s the content of their post that mattered.

Let’s be perfectly clear. Just because we all know who you are, doesn’t mean your posts have any more credibility than others who simply do not want their names out there for the “crazies” to see. So you need to get off this doxxing (new word for me) high horse modus operandi of yours.

The actions of a handful of private beachfront owners, political operatives, politicians and past politicians and lawyers going all the way back to the stop beach nourishment movement are responsible for any legacy damage that has and may occur.
Really? Don’t forget the sea walls.

A Judge in Walton County will decide, then many others will decide in other courts. Or, perhaps the people of Florida will decide. One way or the other this goes far beyond any of us.
.......and the curtain closes. “Show’s over! Everyone, please throw your uneatened cotton candy and peanuts in the trash. And watch out for the elephant dung on your way out.”
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Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
Since Dave can’t hear or read objectively, here are facts.

1. This picture and comment was used by Dave and FBFA as a scare tactic and as evidence of a private taking of public beach. The platt and public documents published on this thread prove this to be an outright lie. But FBFA wouldn’t allow public comment on it or any other of their false narratives at their meetings or online. Knowing these beaches were indeed private in 2009 and many years before that, you decide.
2. This same fake image was created and first published by the very same individual that created and published the sniper video that shoots and apparently kills a BPO. Yet Dave claims they don’t “associate” with each other, even though FBFA hangs their hat on his fake image and more. Are they working together? You decide.
3. Dave claims just now, here, in this thread, that that he didn’t try to intimidate, silence, or identify a Mr Lince to Sheriff deputy.
Dave: “The investigation was never into James Lince it was into the anonymous blog. We only later found out it was Mr Lince‘s after the investigation was complete.”
Here is the publicly available police report. You decide.

Admins have removed the publicly available WCSO report that was displayed here.

Is Dave telling the truth? You decide.

There are over 25 cases of public shaming and doxxing of entirely innocent Beach Property Owners, many documented here by more police reports.

Dave, if it’s that important and you’re so interested in meeting me, getting to know me, understanding who I am... let’s meet in a public discussion/forum in the Seaside Amphitheater with a table & microphones. 1 1/2 hours, You and me, and the public. I’ll bring crackers and cheeses, and drinks. You just show up. Let’s have a public discussion with civil discourse, for once. You game?

People, I encourage you to stop listening to only one side. Please please please go meet your neighbors on the beach. They are fine, moral, generous and humble folks from near and far. Dave will tell you not to, to compromise is death! This damn fake war needs to end. If you don’t show up on their property with cameras and looking for a fight, you won’t get one, just like in the last 50 years. Hint, don’t go to Vizcaya, childish CU activists have them pretty jaded.

Headed to the beach.... hope to see ya there. Cuz I bet I won’t see ya at Seaside Amphitheater anytime soon.


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Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Since Dave can’t hear or read objectively, here are facts.View attachment 76789
1. This picture and comment was used by Dave and FBFA as a scare tactic and as evidence of a private taking of public beach. The platt and public documents published on this thread prove this to be an outright lie. But FBFA wouldn’t allow public comment on it or any other of their false narratives at their meetings or online. Knowing these beaches were indeed private in 2009 and many years before that, you decide.
2. This same fake image was created and first published by the very same individual that created and published the sniper video that shoots and apparently kills a BPO. Yet Dave claims they don’t “associate” with each other, even though FBFA hangs their hat on his fake image and more. Are they working together? You decide.
3. Dave claims just now, here, in this thread, that that he didn’t try to intimidate, silence, or identify a Mr Lince to Sheriff deputy.
Dave: “The investigation was never into James Lince it was into the anonymous blog. We only later found out it was Mr Lince‘s after the investigation was complete.”
Here is the publicly available police report. You decide.
View attachment 76792

View attachment 76793
Is Dave telling the truth? You decide.

There are over 25 cases of public shaming and doxxing of entirely innocent Beach Property Owners, many documented here by more police reports.

Dave, if it’s that important and you’re so interested in meeting me, getting to know me, understanding who I am... let’s meet in a public discussion/forum in the Seaside Amphitheater with a table & microphones. 1 1/2 hours, You and me, and the public. I’ll bring crackers and cheeses, and drinks. You just show up. Let’s have a public discussion with civil discourse, for once. You game?

People, I encourage you to stop listening to only one side. Please please please go meet your neighbors on the beach. They are fine, moral, generous and humble folks from near and far. Dave will tell you not to, to compromise is death! This damn fake war needs to end. If you don’t show up on their property with cameras and looking for a fight, you won’t get one, just like in the last 50 years. Hint, don’t go to Vizcaya, childish CU activists have them pretty jaded.

Headed to the beach.... hope to see ya there. Cuz I bet I won’t see ya at Seaside Amphitheater anytime soon.

We suspected it was James Lince but we had no idea for sure. The Sheriff told us he could find out who was doing it but the only way he could disclose who was doing it was if a crime had been committed. The investigation took a month and the Sheriff never disclosed the identity of the person as no crime was committed. Mr. Lince came out at some point and announced it was his blog. Thanks for posting all this as it shows exactly what happened.

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
So I’ll take that as a “no” for my picnic?

Here’s the police report Dave and I referenced above. Oh wait, the admins won’t allow you to see it.

To all people on both sides of the issue: I have offered an objective, non emotional view in this entire thread. Given the last flurry, YOU decide. Is there room for discussion? Or should we retreat to our tactical corners and wait for courts to decide after the ground is scorched?
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Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
So I’ll take that as a “no” for my picnic?

Folks, I have offered an objective, non emotional view in this entire thread. Given the last flurry, YOU decide. Is there room for discussion? Or should we retreat to our tactical corners and wait for courts to decide after the ground is scorched?[/QUOTE]

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
So Dave refuses to have an open discussion where he cannot control the audience or message. I can understand why. After all of this discussion, reading back over it, here’s my objective conclusion based on the facts herein:

The Customary Use Fight, Brought on by The County Recklessly Suing it’s Citizens, Regardless of the Ultimate Court Decision, Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 10, 2013
So Dave refuses to have an open discussion where he cannot control the audience or message. I can understand why. After all of this discussion, reading back over it, here’s my objective conclusion based on the facts herein:

The Customary Use Fight, Brought on by The County Recklessly Suing it’s Citizens, Regardless of the Ultimate Court Decision, Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy.
I doubt Mexico Beach ( located in Florida) is having this discussion..So it appears only a Cat 5 can determine 30A’s future...#OneDayOneWillVisit
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