Okay so I am going to ask you to please be respectful. You obviously know my business but I do not know yours which is okay as long as we are civil. BTW the organic life of a pine needle is very similar to the life of many agricultural products which are consumed. Both are consumed. One is consumed by humans and other organic life and the other is consumed by the elements that make up earth. Sand is different. It is not consumed. It has a shelf life of forever and it does not stay in any one place.
I really do not have a problem with those bfo's who saved their money to build on the beach or those that had the property handed down. We are talking modest and many are on pilings which I believe is less exclusive. Now imagine the beaches lined with visually exclusive mega-mansions as you say. Add to that the exclusive use of the beach behind the exclusive mega-mansions. This will happen in the near future because this is a valuable resource and guess who already owns over 50% of our available land resources? Okay so you say you are okay with that but I am not okay with that so do we keep arguing about who is right and who is wrong or just let the court figure it out? This is not a court room and we all have opinions! Your opinion is important. My opinion is important. Yes even these power brokers have an opinion and it is important. But the point is we are expressing opinions. When there are facts on both sides we as a community need to find compromises. If one side will not listen to the facts of the other side or attack those facts as being less than then we have a problem of civility and respect. We can argue all day and night and not solve anything that way and actually make things worse. That is what this thread intended. Create enough fear and anger that the government can take away your property rights and well isn't it obvious what the reaction will be?
My point here is that we just need to listen to each other and figure out a compromise. Apparently the County realized that something changed on our beaches regarding shared enjoyment and they had to do something about it. I am not letting the County off with being without fault here but what else could they do? The power brokers are adamant on exclusion. There are no other disputes regarding property rights but that power to exclude people from the beach. Those bfo's that you are referring to have always practiced shared enjoyment of the beach but something changed. Do you think it is possible that those with political influence believe that the Supreme Court will agree with exclusive private beach enjoyment? If you do I see a big risk in that it will be costly and not a slam dunk. We did take land from the native Americans and sent them packing. How do you get around that? Coastal boundaries are constantly changing because the forces of nature are greater than the forces of man. How do you get around that? Land use is a conservative application of property law and the public has no way of knowing where property lines are. How do you get around that? The Sandy beaches were formed in the sea and deposited on the coastline so who owns the sand. How do you get around that. When a public recreational beach uses the beach where are the boundaries? How do you get around that. Of course the power brokers have facts but there are many facts here that our Justice System will now have to figure out because the community was not able to compromise on exclusive private enjoyment or shared public enjoyment. It just seems like common sense should have led to a compromise but why do you think compromise was not an option? Because elite power does not compromise...
Mputnal...in what way was my post disrespectful?