mputnal, can you handle the truth?
Statement #2088 "... Equal Distribution of Resources is the hope and dreams of this great Country." Wow!
Of the many common forms of Government power
20 Common Forms of Government — Study Starters
Egalitarianism is best represented by Communism "denotes an absence of class divisions, which inherently requires the subversion of the ruling class by the working class." and Socialism "A counterpoint to the competitive nature and unequal proclivities of capitalism, socialism has existed in many forms ..." address "Equal distribution of Resources".
What Is Socialism? | katherine pickering antonova “equal” distribution of resources, do we mean absolute equality
Does mputnal defined American Constitutional property rights "power" pass the "Envy Test"?
Failing the Envy Test
What economic resource, after American legal private property, are next for "equal distribution of resources"?
You can't handle the truth - from A Few Good Men. Can not wait for the ad nauseam incredible class warfare diatribe.
Dave Rauschkolb, "changing the rules so drastically that it eliminates large swaths of the very reason why people come here is not acceptable under any conditions." What "rules" or rule of law was changed? Have specific credible facts please.
"I’m willing to sit down and work on solutions ..." You individually and as on officer of Florida Beaches for All are intervening FOR Walton commissioners' CU litigation against 1,193 private beachfront parcels and 4,671 beachfront owners. You can not have it both ways.
"but this recent legislation [FS163.035 (formally HB631)] in my book was yes, criminal and drastic and way out of line." "I’m wide-open to suggestions that don’t include excluding the public from using the sandy parts of the beaches as long as they follow the rules." That belief qualifies as an "out-of-the-box thinker and a problem solver"?
"4 million visitors can easily be educated" about beach behavior and respect? Another in-credible progressive prediction.
Walton "county in America that set the precedent that privatized beaches across the Nation?" Hate to break the news to you but ALL Walton legally deeded private property to the MHWL (or ECL) has always been and is today private and can not be "privatized". Even with CU property is still privately owned property.
"The only thing I’ve been uncompromising about is the ability of beachfront owners to exclude people from the sandy parts of the beach. There’s plenty of compromise when it comes to setting up rules on those sandy parts." Yes, the American rule of law and private property owner Constitutional right to CHOOSE to invite anyone they CHOOSE to share and public respect for those American rights is the "compromise". If the Walton Commissioners or you want to do their duty to address public beach behavior to respect American/Walton property rights and the Sherriff's duty to enforce public behavior; that'd be good too.
Here's a another oldie but goodie posts too after your #945.
Customary Use and Our 30A Legacy
#951 "Not worth my time to continue talking."
Customary Use and Our 30A Legacy Another not credible statement shown (#2089) 1,138 posts previously. If there are any CU facts and not unsubstantiated beliefs; would like to hear them.
bob1 are you related to bob bob? Like a belly button, every has an opinion and talk is cheap. We are dealing with the CREDIBILITY of facts and rule of law that reflect American values. Go over to Okaloosa Island to visit the miles of undeveloped/un-ruined US Government beaches. Just do not pass the restricted public access signs near Hurlburt the US Government has the "power" and right to restrict.
anonymous CU believer Pappj, if the shoe fits ... read the post links too.