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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
I did not see it.
once again, as a community forum participant, I do not moderate or delete posts. I can report them just as anyone else. I missed whatever photo you are referring to.
My sincere apology. I guess Reggie removed it on his own during the “edit time window” after I saw it and made a comment about it.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
I wouldn't know uhfeder from a muscogee.
Yeah, I know - they all look alike.
THAT's A JOKE!!! (just in case.)
I don't care about him or what he says.
You really should if you support CU. He and Dave R are key spokesmen, supposedly.
Don't try to lump millions of independent beach lovers with a lawyer with an agenda.
I wouldn't dare dream of insulting the general public. Too many lawyer jokes confirm that is a bad idea.
It's about free beaches not about what comes out of his mouth.
FYI, "Nothing in life is free." BFOs prove that by buying the beach and then having to spend more money defending it. BTW, if the county loses, the public will be paying for that part as well. And what came out of his mouth was very hurtful, at least to me. Apparently all you CU people are A-OK with it.
Or what some yahoo with a video camera posts.
You're right about that. FBFA should try to vet their sources of such questionable information such as that dumb slide of Vizcaya's beach by the same so called "yahoo with a camera".
Beach front owners will get tired of spending money and fighting and will move on or fight a dumb never ending battle against millions.
That certainly will not happen until the FINAL verdict comes in. And the millions you refer to - I assume you mean millions of people and NOT millions of dollars that is being pissed away by the county with a questionable hope of success. Assuming millions of people, again, that is one of the beautiful things about the U.S. Constitution....

Protection of minorities from things like David R's polls shared in this thread.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Just a thought. Maybe I could be accused of aiding and comforting the enemy. But here goes.

IMHO, FBFA should seriously reconsider there public relations tactics and this includes elected representatives. As it stands now based on events evidenced here on SoWal, I for one, have absolutely zero respect for the organization for multiple reasons. I sincerely understand the desires of so many who wish customary use to come true. Yes, the courts will decide. We all know that. And yes, FBFA's goal could be considered a noble cause by many. And a confession... I could even respect that (not that I agree, of course) if it weren't for some the tactics exhibited by past and present board members of FBFA.

But FBFA should take serious notice of the very obvious.

FBFA, do yourself a favor.....at least think about it.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Hello everyone. This topic is a hot one and is likely to get hotter. We do not tolerate personal attacks on SoWal.com, and name calling is unnecessary. Please keep on topic and be kind, or find another forum.



SoWal Insider
Oct 9, 2015
There are repeated references to the constitution in this thread. The portion of the 5th amendment pertaining to property states,
“nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
So it reads private property can be legally taken if the owner is compensated. In this case the owner will be justly compensated for a small section of unbuildable land.


Beach Comber
May 3, 2019
South Walton
No, I didn’t take the slide at face value. That is what those of us who support customary use believe. That the beach is depicted were public use beaches until July 1, 2018 when house bill 631 went into effect. That is at the core of this conflict. You folks believe that those are private beaches and you may exclude us from those beaches and we believe completely the opposite that since people began using the beaches they were shared. So I believe those images to be true and correct and that is a matter of opinion that most people agree with. The judges will decide. Tou just saying it doesn’t make it true. Anymore than you believe me just saying what I believe makes it true. See you in court.
"That is at the core of this conflict. You folks believe that those are private beaches and you may exclude us from those beaches and we believe completely the opposite that since people began using the beaches they were shared. So I believe those images to be true and correct and that is a matter of opinion that most people agree with." I am so confused by Dave's comments. Is it really just a "matter of belief"? If I believe I don't have to pay taxes, or I can drive however I like, even on the "wrong" side of the road, or that the world is really flat, does that make me right? Is the opinion that beaches were really public prior to July 1,2018, but now magically are private the "majority" opinion? Facts do matter in our world, nation, community. It is not a matter of "belief" that people can own and control property. Is there proof that Dave and pro CU people are in the majority? Let's agree to stick to the facts- no matter how difficult they are to face.


Beach Comber
May 3, 2019
South Walton
Another funny thing about facts is there is usually some kind of record. I also found it interesting in Dave's account of the waltonwatchdog.com blog. I understood that waltonwatchdog quit his blog then brought it back after Dave opened up the "can of worms" on this thread with inaccurate statements surrounding the incident and slandered James Lince once again. I think it is important to know what really happened. So go read the facts. Our community is better than slandering and demeaning each other. We can agree to disagree and discuss reasonably.
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