We could post published opinions on property rights but would likely be removed by Administrator so we don't.
Total BS. And ridiculous
We could post published opinions on property rights but would likely be removed by Administrator so we don't.
Jodi, thank you for bringing up the vendor program. Yet another example of county mismanaging public resources by allowing friends and family owned chair companies to eliminate public access to 50% of the public beaches. Again, nothing to do with Private Beach Front Owners, but rather inept managing of our largest county asset. Easy fix for that one well outside of Customary Use argument. And it solves, by your math, 50% of the problem. See? You came up with a great solution. Keep them coming folks, we’re getting somewhere.I keep seeing this thing about Walton county having "50% PUBLIC beaches".....he11,we just barely get 50% of the beaches that are public.
Jodi, I’m not an expert, but I’ve researched this. I’m only speaking for me here - That MHTL line has been recently surveyed by county. You’ll see those maps soon. Until then, look at the beach under a normal high tide, easily referenced daily. Assume that the average high tide line is seaward of that water mark. Why? Because we’ve had four major hurricanes and many tropical storms since 2,000 (19 yrs). Those storms caused much beach erosion, moving that average line over beach that is now under water. Simple math. Do you really want to know? Or are you just following our local class clown with more distracting drama? It’s a favorite diversion tactic of extremist publicity hounds that publicly embarrass our local law enforcement with that game.All this is not helping the group of people that the sheriffs office was called on today. And from the looks of the picture they were very close to the waters edge. Most likely seaward of the MHWL...but no one has responded to my request to show a current TOPO survey that shows where that (not so)imaginary line in the sand is. I have always said that upland property owners do indeed own to that line but still not one has responded with a picture of that survey. And I am not talking about one from 1974...I mean current, one that a lender for a loan on said property would accept...(and the last time I had one done for my property the lender said it could not be older than 6 months) I saw something from Vizcaya from decades ago but it wasnt a TOPO and only had a sqwiggly line that said "appx. MHWL". Why,if that line is so important, will no one produce one ??
This paragraph is a despicable distortion of the truth.Jodi, I’m not an expert, but I’ve researched this. I’m only speaking for me here - That MHTL line has been recently surveyed by county. You’ll see those maps soon. Until then, look at the beach under a normal high tide, easily referenced daily. Assume that the average high tide line is seaward of that water mark. Why? Because we’ve had four major hurricanes and many tropical storms since 2,000 (19 yrs). Those storms caused much beach erosion, moving that average line over beach that is now under water. Simple math. Do you really want to know? Or are you just following our local class clown with more distracting drama? It’s a favorite diversion tactic of extremist publicity hounds that publicly embarrass our local law enforcement with that game.
Regarding the sheriff; they weren’t called on the young couple today. Nope. They were called on the local activist who created a noisy scene and made a publicity stunt out of shaming a resident, deliberately using that innocent couple, all the while posing and capturing her selfies for social media. We all feel very sorry for the young couple being manipulated by these terroristic CU activists that have taken over our beaches and are scaring the public away. We all share your empathy.