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Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
How can there be respect when private property owners are continuously called
mean, selfish and greedy?
How can there be respect when the public is called an "ignorant,emotional mob"?

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
How can there be respect when the public is called an "ignorant,emotional mob"?
Good question, fair enough. Here's why we are at odds; By now you've all seen the "Baby Mooners" social media blitz. You all have your opinion on what happened, right? What if you talked to the ACTUAL witnesses and found out the following FACTS that anonymous sources very close to the situation are saying;
What if The couple set up in front of chairs on private property?
What if They were quietly and politely approached?
What if They were informed that in order to stay on that particular private property, they were invited to please move behind the owners chairs, or to the side, just down beach a little?
What if They politely agreed and immediately moved as suggested?
What if that was it, done, finished, Everyone was happy?
What if the HOA has a long standing policy of not removing respectful visitors, like this couple?
What if Then, a frequent trespasser inserted herself and started videotaping, and created a scene?
What if She approached the by now content couple, and started yelling?
What if She summoned the complainant and challenged her private property rights?
What if She repeated “Call the cops, call the cops, call the cops”?
What if Meanwhile, she called and yelled for her friends to come and get into the pictures and video?
What if The sheriff was called/notified of the loud woman in the black hat creating a scene, NOT the young couple?
What if they responded and wrote a report of above?
What then? Still feel the same about the emotional response to a non event?
Jodi, the image here, and every time we see this on private property, is sourced directly from the leaders of this movement. But since they block any alternate views and access to all of their social media sites, no one ever hears the other, sometimes quite different, side of the story. It is generally agreed upon opinion that this censored public and emotional voice creates a mob mentality, on purpose. Luckily, there is this forum where we can have intelligent discourse. We can surely do better.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
You are getting a bit over-heated about ONE INCIDENT that obviously has two opposing versions. There have probably been hundreds of incidents in the last few years that have unfolded in multiple ways, some worse, some better. In reality, all this hot air doesn’t solve anything. The issue is now in the court system BECAUSE of HR631. The BFO’s obviously have an army of high powered, high dollar lawyers and the issue has probably been decided behind closed doors just like every decision made in this county. Your badgering doesn’t much matter, does it?

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
You are getting a bit over-heated about ONE INCIDENT that obviously has two opposing versions. There have probably been hundreds of incidents in the last few years that have unfolded in multiple ways, some worse, some better. In reality, all this hot air doesn’t solve anything. The issue is now in the court system BECAUSE of HR631. The BFO’s obviously have an army of high powered, high dollar lawyers and the issue has probably been decided behind closed doors just like every decision made in this county. Your badgering doesn’t much matter, does it?
A little daylight on the beach is good for the soul. Don’t forget, property owners are being sued, they did not start this. They either hire defense attorneys or lose family fortunes innocently invested in private property.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
A little daylight on the beach is good for the soul. Don’t forget, property owners are being sued, they did not start this. They either hire defense attorneys or lose family fortunes innocently invested in private property.
...”lose family fortunes” ? Wow! That’s a stretch. I thought this was about one right out of their bundle of rights which was never included when they bought their bundle of rights because it was superseded by the ancient human right of customary use. I didn’t know these poor people were in danger of losing their family fortunes. Oh please continue your badgering, by all means.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
The property owners are the ones that sued first....turn about is fair play. As for them "losing family fortunes"...maybe they should have in vested in gold instead of an over-priced beach house.

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
Is there anyone that would like to read the premise of this original post, and then have an intelligent conversation about the actual historical facts of this county mismanagement? We could avoid the knee jerk talking points that are based on a slash and burn agenda, and the onslaught of misinformation as evidenced above? It’s like nobody read the original post, or can’t follow the history? Or maybe there is no desire to have a legitimate discourse?
Standing by...................................................

L.C. Bane

Beach Fanatic
Aug 8, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
Is there anyone that would like to read the premise of this original post, and then have an intelligent conversation about the actual historical facts of this county mismanagement? We could avoid the knee jerk talking points that are based on a slash and burn agenda, and the onslaught of misinformation as evidenced above? It’s like nobody read the original post, or can’t follow the history? Or maybe there is no desire to have a legitimate discourse?
Standing by...................................................

Impossible request. I would wager dollars to donuts that the majority of Walton County residents disagree with the original post ( and most likely those that folllow) in it's entirety. Not to mention the condecending and derogitory content. But feel free, as is your perogative, to keep fanning the flames.

I assure you that this is a true bi-partisan issue and we are overwhelmingly united on this specific topic.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 18, 2016
Food for thought:

With Walton County's record of enforcing ordinances, codes, and other regulations, would YOU want Walton County to control your property?

Perhaps the public shouldn't equate protecting a private property right (ejectment) with not wanting anyone on their property.
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