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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
This forum was never about profit or views. It is about people who love our community and love the beach. WE built it and WE regulate it and jerks are not welcome here. It has helped millions of people answered thousands of questions. That the community appreciates this forum and sees value is great. To bring up profit is very revealing about this thread and jerk posters' motives. Shame on you!

Kudos to true SoWal supporters and GOOD citizens who share love and the beach. Let us not forget that most beachfront owners are Beach lovers and are happy to share. The few vocal jerks on here do not represent our community or our values. You are making us look bad and you should go away.
I guess the insults of "jerks" are an improvement over "cowardly" and "morally wrong and anti-human". Shame on You madam!
If you want to add any CU credibility to the thread answer any of the previous questions asked on this thread. If BFOs are jerks for asking the hard questions and presenting facts - so be it.

Who's WE? Not all BFOs? Customary Use Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy
Our family has been here before there was a Seaside. I've stated before that we have shared OUR private beach; but no more since the litigation and antisocial media campaign. BFOs loved the beach enough to invested, live, and helped build the local economy and community as much or more as anyone else. More so than the Commissioner's TDC. How long have you been here and what have you contributed?
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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Epic? I don't think so. The metrics show 8 to 10 Private Property rights advocates posting and talking mainly to themselves and 11 or 12 CU advocates commenting as well. Most of the comments are from the 8 or 10 PPR advocates. It's the truth.
You’re correct on all counts so far....the comments from BFOs are the TRUTH, unlike what I’ve seen, heard and read from most CU advocates.

That's why I used the term "echo chamber." But, it's good for you folks to have a place to voice your beliefs. But 25 people, I would not call "epic" if its pretty much the same folks.

For a person who is a master media manipulator as well as a master maker and marketeer of mai-tais for the masses, you sure seem overly concerned with how much penetration this thread is making or not making into to the court of public opinion.

Personally I think you fear the lack of credibility from those with an intelligent open mind who especially happen to compare posts here on SoWal with posts on Facebook pages.

Just recently saw a comment on FB still thinking that Huckabee bought beachfront for $400 (as an example). That’s not surprising as there are a lot of ignorant posters on FB. The total lack of anyone correcting that mistruth, was.

But it’s exactly what you wanted to achieve, right?...one sided commentary along with a bunch of up and down mindless head bobbing.


Beach Comber
May 3, 2019
South Walton
Epic? I don't think so. The metrics show 8 to 10 Private Property rights advocates posting and talking mainly to themselves and 11 or 12 CU advocates commenting as well. Most of the comments are from the 8 or 10 PPR advocates. It's the truth. That's why I used the term "echo chamber." But, it's good for you folks to have a place to voice your beliefs. But 25 people, I would not call "epic" if its pretty much the same folks.
Just wondering how you have access to metrics, Dave? In my limited understanding metrics are usually for those who are admins on a group. Are you an admin of the Sowal Forum? That’s an honest question from someone new to Sowal website. If you are an admin, can you tell me how long Reggie will be banned and if other rude people on this thread will be banned, blocked, or deleted? If you aren’t an admin, did you really go through the 40+ pages and track responses? Just curious how you labeled me and what you used as a measure.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
I have to say this about the BFO's even though I do not agree with them about what is public and what is private beach. They are respectful, they are informed and so far they do not shame others or use unacceptable words to demean and insult others. Many of you on the other side need to stop the insults. I'm not sure but if I were a BFO I believe I would have to fight for my property rights and keep disrespectful people out. I was at the beach this weekend and witnessed more than one incident of people disrespecting others AND our natural resource. I would like to think I could be more generous and sharing of my good fortune but some people just want what they want and don't give a rats aspirin bottle about respect just like in this forum. I think I have changed my mind on this issue.

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Just wondering how you have access to metrics, Dave? In my limited understanding metrics are usually for those who are admins on a group. Are you an admin of the Sowal Forum? That’s an honest question from someone new to Sowal website. If you are an admin, can you tell me how long Reggie will be banned and if other rude people on this thread will be banned, blocked, or deleted? If you aren’t an admin, did you really go through the 40+ pages and track responses? Just curious how you labeled me and what you used as a measure.

Epic? I don't think so. The metrics show 8 to 10 Private Property rights advocates posting and talking mainly to themselves and 11 or 12 CU advocates commenting as well. Most of the comments are from the 8 or 10 PPR advocates. It's the truth. That's why I used the term "echo chamber." But, it's good for you folks to have a place to voice your beliefs. But 25 people, I would not call "epic" if its pretty much the same folks.

No I am not a SoWal admin. Simple. while binge watching some Netflix series count the number of posts from each the posters. I was inspired by a comment from an earlier, pro private beach advocate's post on this thread when they referred to the number of posts from a particular CU advocate. It's all there. Pretty much the same finite group of folks. The pro private beach poster seemed to be very intently focused on "the metrics" and I thought, let's see really how many folks are making most of the posts. It was interesting to me to see if this thread truly was epic; that's all. Again, nothing "epic" in my opinion.

You, BeachSandpiper, have made 20 posts, new member only on this thread, Reggie, 52, Florida Beach Bum wins the prize with well over 100 (140) all by him/herself. Virtually all of his/her posts are related to this issue as a new, Feb 19, 2018 member. I think MMB Vagrant, a SoWal veteran, is a semi close second at 107. Auburn Fan 41, He/she has only made one other post on a different thread. This one thread seems to be holding his/her interest the most as a new member. I'm at 31 if I counted right. Fishing Fool, 13 posts, new member, only posting on this thread.
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Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
I have to say this about the BFO's even though I do not agree with them about what is public and what is private beach. They are respectful, they are informed and so far they do not shame others or use unacceptable words to demean and insult others. Many of you on the other side need to stop the insults. I'm not sure but if I were a BFO I believe I would have to fight for my property rights and keep disrespectful people out. I was at the beach this weekend and witnessed more than one incident of people disrespecting others AND our natural resource. I would like to think I could be more generous and sharing of my good fortune but some people just want what they want and don't give a rats aspirin bottle about respect just like in this forum. I think I have changed my mind on this issue.
Have you read this whole thread from the beginning? The first twenty posts or so set the tone of this discourse. When the pro BFO people call normal good honest beach-goers “terroristic” and call the rest of us a “mob”, it went bad pretty quick. After that, it was barrage of propaganda, repeated over and over again. I’ve asked them repeatedly what is their purpose, and they say “getting the facts out to the public”. OK, they did that 30 pages ago. Do you believe the premise of their slogan: the title of this thread? They could have started with “try to see it my way”. They didn’t. They started out bullying people and blaming good people for continuing what they have done for hundreds of years. That’s insulting.

Reggie Gaskins

Beach Lover
Oct 4, 2018
Blue Mountain Beach
No I am not an admin. Simple. while binge watching some Netflix series count the number of posts from each the posters. I was inspired by a comment from an earlier, pro private beach advocate's post on this thread when they referred to the number of posts from a particular CU advocate. It's all there. Pretty much the same finite group of folks. The poster seemed to be very intently focused on "the metrics" and I thought, let's see really how many folks are making most of the posts. It was interesting to me; that's all. Again, nothing "epic" in my opinion.

You have made 20 posts, Reggie, 52, Florida Beach Bum wins the prize with well over 100 (140) all by him/herself. Virtually all of his/her posts are related to this issue as a new, Feb 19, 2018 member. I think MMB Vagrant is a semi close second at 107. Auburn Fan 41, He/she has only made one other post on a different thread. This one thread seems to be holding his/her interest the most as a new member. I'm at 31 if I counted right.
Echo Chamber:
Controlled and sanitized place/space where single point of view is promoted without challenge
A place where all contrarian views are eliminated, squelched, not allowed to be heard.
A safe place to promote propaganda that is a false narrative, to convince an uninformed mass of a false premise and promise.
Think Venezuelan/Cuban/Chinese media = Echo Chamber
Usually a tactic of Socialist and other types of tyrannical governments to prevent the truth from being heard.
Now, SoWal forum isn't there, yet.
But are there any such local places/pages that you can think of that have not allowed contrarian views to be heard? Can you think of any places where a group of people sharing a fact based position were deliberately eliminated from voicing the truth? Are there any CU organizations that don't allow true public discourse?Anyone? Hmmmm. Find THAT, and you'll have your echo chamber.
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