I never saw his plan .
Is it really behavior that caused the CU vs Private beach issue?
Discussion in 'Local Government and Groups' started by Dave Rauschkolb, Jun 6, 2019.
- The tragedy here is that a handful of influential politicians, beachfront owners and lawyers first stopped beach nourishment then stopped Customary Use through House Bill631. As a result, our beach community has been altered with extremely negative consequences.
There is no escaping the fact that property values near the beaches are higher because of their close proximity to the beach. Beachfront owners pay for the view and convenience of having the water steps from their homes. Homes closer but not on the beach have little less value because of the convenience of having the water and beach a short walk from their homes. Homes that require a short drive are less valuable for that reason and homes that require a longer drive are worth less.
So, two values, both quality of life and financial values are tied directly to the shared beach and those homes closest to the beach. Shared is the operative word and beach is THE place that determines value on all levels. That is to say balance and shared value for all is optimal for everyone who is invested in our community. Beachfront owners have the advantage of view and the closest proximity.
Beachfront owners have prominently stated the cause of all this is bad behavior on the our beaches. So, if the real issue is behavior let's work together to reign in the behavior, set some new more impactful rules and begin sharing the beaches again; all of the beaches again from dune line to water line.
If that is the compromise then that is the only compromise I can see. Fix the behavior and share the beaches. But once you start talking property rights and applying them to a beach and excluding people from that beach you have lost me. You all have been asking for compromise. If the behavior really is the problem let's address it, take down the signs and reset and restore the balance for the betterment of our community. Any takers?