5 - 4 vote on a well argued legitimate constitutional legal battle.
I predict an 8 - 1 vote on defeating a Socialist Entitlement reach like CU.
I predict an 8 - 1 vote on defeating a Socialist Entitlement reach like CU.
Dave has been a member since 2005 and posted on a number of topics and has been active in giving back to the community including hosting the annual CVHN Hurricane Party. What’s your record?
Here's my new favorite metric:
5- 4
US Supreme Court
Knick v. Township of Scott, 17-647
June 21, 2019
This new ruling changes the way "takings claims" are litigated nationwide.
Property owners seeking just compensation now get the fast lane.
Have you met with Dave Rauschkolb? He has proffered a compromise solution.Months ago I suggested we all work together to find a solution everyone could live with. No, screamed the CU people we will never surrender. I said it would take 5 years and Cost 50 million dollars . Still no one wanted to even talk about a reasonable solution. Well now it will cost the county billions to buy the property if they lose plus the attorney fees. Beach front owners will have a fast track and people who would not compromise in any way will be sorry. We can blame the BCC for not trying to find a solution that could have stopped this avalanche and the people who said never surrender and never compromise. Very sad .
He was not interested in his own compromise plan? Or did you have a particular problem with it?Yes he and I have discussed this many times but he was not interested .
Are you implying that Mr. and Mrs. No Compromise are offering a compromise? Don't think it's legit like most of your posts.Have you met with Dave Rauschkolb? He has proffered a compromise solution.
I have not seen his plan. I know Dave well and I like him.He was not interested in his own compromise plan? Or did you have a particular problem with it?
I never saw his plan .He was not interested in his own compromise plan? Or did you have a particular problem with it?