Is it really behavior that caused the CU vs Private beach issue?
Poor Beach Behavior is not the cause of the "CU vs Private beach issue" but (IMO) a result of Entitlement Use vs the Property Owners perceived Right of Exclusion.
The "Private Beach Issue" is a perception of private property owners that they have constitutional property rights, in particular Right of Exclusion for deeded land they purchased vs some citizens perception that constitutional private property rights don't exist if you happen to buy property in certain areas, even if the property has been owned by the family for generations.
You can try to improve behavior, which would be great, but still have unresolved issues of Entitlement Use vs Right of Exclusion. I used the word "perceived" since both sides don't agree on what might be considered "Constitutional Property Rights" and "Right of Exclusion" and waiting on Judge Green to make a ruling.
Behavior is hard to control if a person does not want to be controlled and there are no repercussions for poor behavior. Similar to someone making a video of a person running through kids playing soccer at Seaside (apparently nude), then running by a beach bar on a public beach, where he is shot by a sniper and dies. Someone can say they are "against that behavior and against someone that would make and post that video" but they don't control video makers behavior, nor do they have the ability to remove the video from social media.
If there are no enforceable rules and a free for all, then behavior can not be controlled. Anyone on this forum ever raise a teenager? The poor beach behavior is a result, not a cause. If people with poor behavior were removed from the beach, their behavior, and the behavior of those around them, would change (assuming they wanted to stay on the beach). Like a football game that has referees that won't enforce rules or call penalties. Soon the game is out of control and players get hurt, some for life. Both teams keep pushing the limits, and when they find there are no enforceable limits, people get hurt. Some blame the players, others blame the coaches, others blame the people that make the rules, but still the game gets out of control if the referees don't enforce established rules.
The Sherriff says he won't enforce trespassing laws. TDC won't enforce ordinances, in particular that no beach equipment can be within 15 feet of the water line, Lawyers won't obey the Sherriff asking them to move off private property and instead make videos encouraging the public to disobey requests by uniformed police and ignore beach ordinances and permit requirements. Some CU "leaders" have encouraged destruction of signs and private property. If the Sherriff said he would not enforce speeding limits in front of Butler Elementary, people would speed and children would get hurt. Some could say they use to drive as fast as they wanted on that road before the school was built and they have a "Right" to speed since no one will stop them.
IMO the sense of Entitlement is one of the root causes of the behavior issues on the beach along with the lack of Density Management, too many people wanting unlimited access without restrictions to a limited resource. If there were only a few people wanting to go the 30A beaches like 20 years ago, there would be no issues. There are issues because we have more tourists that can be accommodated with our limited resources and because of that our sensitive and unique ecosystem is being destroyed.
30A Legacy...
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